I’m voting against. Not because I disagree with anything that most of you have said, but a bit of a separate issue. Perhaps the most difficult job for the roundtable subcommittee was to come to terms with the fact that we had to made some tough decisions among a large number of good suggestions (which we did). We are inviting active articulate people with stories to tell – they will be a bit hard to shut up. And we did not want too much talking from the front of the room: these are plenary sessions where audience participation is key. For that reason we realized that we had to keep them small. Three or four people seemed fine; at least for now… we also want space on the roundtables to add someone who was active in something important that was occurring at the time of the conference. We also had to think about what we wanted out of each roundtable. There had to be a clear point to them and a certain notion of how the conversation might go. We want diversity, but we also want to create a sense that we are addressing a clear question and that the discussion has parameters – that we are not just trying to touch the bases.
So, I have nothing at all against Rae, and might be convinced that he is a good addition given what I’ve said above. But this is not the conversation we have been having here. I may be overstating it, but I feel that we are making a decision with a gun to our head. And I’m not sure if it’s not a self-imposed gun (I may be doing damage to the metaphor here). I’m not at all clear that it’s that important at all to the SSHRC application. It’s one person out of many dozen presenters, on top of everything else in our application. In any case, one thing I like about the committee is that we have met a lot and worked through things and arrived at consensus, usually, by taking time, considering various issues, hearing concerns, etc. I don’t think that we really want to decide things in a rush, over the listserv, unless we really have to.
That said, I’m willing to go along with what others feel in this case. I just wanted to, as Julie did earlier, raise the issue of process. It’s key, I think, to working together respectfully and effectively. I’m going to suggest that we give people a couple more hours (say until 2:00) to say their bit on the listserv and then see where we stand.
Best, Jim
James Naylor Professor Department of History Brandon University 270 18th Street Brandon, MB R7A 6A9 Canada
Office: 204 727 9664 Cell: 204 720 2117
Naylor@BrandonU.camailto:Naylor@BrandonU.ca people.brandonu.ca/naylorj/https://people.brandonu.ca/naylorj/
From: 1919-conference-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca [mailto:1919-conference-bounces@lists.umanitoba.ca] On Behalf Of Krishna Lalbiharie Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2018 11:13 AM To: 1919 conference organizing committee 1919-conference@lists.umanitoba.ca Subject: Re: [1919-Conference] JOHN RAE AS A ROUNDTABLE SPEAKER RE: DISABILILTIES AND LABOUR RIGHTS
Okay! Well, I will await further feedback, and will send later this eve (or not) as Rhonda has indicated to me that I can supply Rae's name as part of the SSHRC grant app. by tonight — and as late as tomorrow, even.
All my best!
KL 204.899.8687
P.S. Sharon raises a number of good questions re: inclusion of voices, movements and experiences amongst marginalized and radicalized workers — this, alongside the ssue of Labour rights as human rights; workplace health and safety; retired workers; and the issues of pension and health care cutbacks.
On Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 11:00 AM, Sharon Reilly <reillysharonmarie@gmail.commailto:reillysharonmarie@gmail.com> wrote: No objection from me. Sharon Sharon Reilly
On Thu, Apr 12, 2018, 10:59 AM Krishna Lalbiharie, <krishna.lalbiharie@gmail.commailto:krishna.lalbiharie@gmail.com> wrote: Please take note that this urgency is held in connection with the SSHRC grant app., and that we are't married to anything in terms of how we constitue the roundtables, per se, yes? We can figure and finesse that out later,
For now, I am just looking for a go-ahead to invite Rae.
Any objections?
On Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 10:54 AM, Krishna Lalbiharie <krishna.lalbiharie@gmail.commailto:krishna.lalbiharie@gmail.com> wrote: In answer to Jim N.'s question, here is the current composition of the second roundtable, where RAE might be best suited:
FRED HAHN: CUPE Ontario Toronto (Markham), ON Status: ATTENDING
CHRIS RAMSAROOP: Justice for Migrant Workers Toronto, ON Status: ATTENDING
PAM PALMATER: Indigenous Rights Advocate/Author/Academic (Ryerson University) Toronto, ON Status: TENTATIVELY ATTENDING; WILL CONFIRM ASAP
JERRY WOODS: Past Chair, MB Human Rights Commission/Indigenous Labour Rights Activist Winnipeg, MB Status: ATTENDING
If folks are worried about the number of people speaking in this Roundtable, we can move Fred Hahn elsewhere. He is very much able to speak on subjects elsewhere, I am certain.
KL 204.899.8687
On Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 10:46 AM, James Naylor <Naylor@brandonu.camailto:Naylor@brandonu.ca> wrote: I have no objection, but I would encourage people if they have any questions or concerns to speak up right away.
I’m not in my office so can’t check: who do we currently have on the second round table, Krishna? Is that the one with more people already? This isn’t necessarily a problem, as we can move people around (with their permission, of course), as we hone this.
On Apr 12, 2018, at 10:41 AM, Krishna Lalbiharie <krishna.lalbiharie@gmail.commailto:krishna.lalbiharie@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, folks!
My apologies for pressing this now, but we've little time left re: SSHRC grant app.
Rhonda has rightly reminded our WGSCC Committee that our conference ought to include labour voices, which reflect people with disabilities.
To that end, she has suggested that we approach John Rae as a prospective roundtable speaker, whose bio can be viewed here: http://www.innoversity.com/roadmap/speakers/john-rae/
Says Rhonda (of Rae):
"Rae was an active union member in the ON public service; he remains an active advocate for people with disabilities and their workplace struggles; he can speak expertly to challenges with human rights commissions for people with disabilities dealing with workplace discrimination; he also played a key role in the Canadian Human Rights Museum’s universal access committee; and has consulted with CMHR on a variety of issues related to people with disabilities."
It sounds like a no-brainer to me. Rae can easily fit into the second Roundtable panel and, what's more, will serve as a critical and unique, leading voice in conversations re: disability rights and labour issues.
Can I get a vote, here, from committee members to extend Rae a Roundtable invite? And quickly (forgive me)?
KL 204.899.8687
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James Naylor Professor Department of History Brandon University 270 18th Street Brandon, MB R7A 6A9 Canada
Office: 204 727 9664 Cell: 204 720 2117
Naylor@BrandonU.camailto:Naylor@BrandonU.ca people.brandonu.ca/naylorj/http://people.brandonu.ca/naylorj/
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_______________________________________________ 1919-Conference mailing list 1919-Conference@lists.umanitoba.camailto:1919-Conference@lists.umanitoba.ca http://lists.umanitoba.ca/mailman/listinfo/1919-conference