Here is the response from Bragg. We were aware that his American tour ended a couple of weeks before our date. I guess he wasn't willing to stay or come back. We will proceed with Plan B, at the WECC.
James Naylor Professor Department of History Brandon University 270 18th Street Brandon, MB R7A 6A9 Canada
Office: 204 727 9664 Cell: 204 720 2117
Naylor@BrandonU.camailto:Naylor@BrandonU.ca people.brandonu.ca/naylorj/https://people.brandonu.ca/naylorj/
From: Christian Ellett cellett@apa-agency.com Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2019 12:36 PM To: Jason Hooper Jason@wecc.ca Cc: James Naylor Naylor@BrandonU.CA Subject: RE: Bragg offer for May 10
Hi Jason,
Billy appreciates the offer, but he will be in England during this timeframe. We are happy to entertain this offer in 2020 if there is still intertest. Thanks
Christian Ellett Office of Steve Martin | APA 135 West 50th Street, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10020 Office: 212-205-4326 cellett@apa-agency.commailto:cellett@apa-agency.com www.apa-agency.comhttp://www.apa-agency.com/
From: Christian Ellett Sent: Monday, March 4, 2019 4:42 PM To: 'Jason Hooper' <Jason@wecc.camailto:Jason@wecc.ca> Cc: James Naylor (Naylor@BrandonU.CAmailto:Naylor@BrandonU.CA) <Naylor@BrandonU.CAmailto:Naylor@BrandonU.CA> Subject: RE: Bragg offer for May 10
Thanks Jason,
Will let you know ASAP
Christian Ellett Office of Steve Martin | APA 135 West 50th Street, 17th Floor, New York, NY 10020 Office: 212-205-4326 cellett@apa-agency.commailto:cellett@apa-agency.com www.apa-agency.comhttp://www.apa-agency.com/
From: Jason Hooper <Jason@wecc.camailto:Jason@wecc.ca> Sent: Monday, March 4, 2019 4:38 PM To: Christian Ellett <cellett@apa-agency.commailto:cellett@apa-agency.com> Cc: James Naylor (Naylor@BrandonU.CAmailto:Naylor@BrandonU.CA) <Naylor@BrandonU.CAmailto:Naylor@BrandonU.CA> Subject: Bragg offer for May 10
Hello Christian,
I have attached our most recent offer as requested. I have also CC'd Jim Naylor of the 1919 Centennial Strike committee. If you have any questions please let us know. Either Jim or I would be happy to answer them.
Jason Hooper Executive Director West End Cultural Centre 586 Ellice Ave Wpg, MB R3B 1Z8 (204) 783-6918 Music is a life changing force. You can donate to the West End Cultural Centre through Canada Helpshttps://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.canadahelps.org_en_charities_the-2Dwest-2Dend-2Dcultural-2Dcentre-2Dinc_&d=DwMFAg&c=euGZstcaTDllvimEN8b7jXrwqOf-v5A_CdpgnVfiiMM&r=Nhm4ZK3xdNrtnpfGTuQIuVUama2bgNZv_QmHz0bDf6U&m=QviSxg5U8E82fR49Dx4PUFxMsxTTXLY9L-drG7MLwNU&s=TD8qr7HfU-TNikJp2lwjRgvaD0R-HKLuTptZ14KED3E&e=
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