Well, we did our best to diversify the program. Tell your friends that the old white men refused to budge despite pressure and we would appreciate it if some of them attended and pointed that out.
On Mar. 28, 2019 10:13 p.m., Krishna Lalbiharie krishna.lalbiharie@gmail.com wrote: Hi, all! Sorry for the delay by way of reply.
In answer to Jim Naylor's suggestion about producing a Riley grant-focused leaflet, which highlights the three events (Wed. opening panel, Thurs. ULT and keynote, Sat. bus tour), I can work something up, yes, re: disto. at the Library series, etc. Can someone supply a contact re: Riley folks? Will need to talk to them about a couple of things before going to print.
Obviously, we can create a separate tab on the webpage highlighting Riley stuff, but that might not be necessary/confusing. I think we should have a new tab that is just EVENTS, which can include the three Riley bits, the Friday evening Good Will and X-Cues offerings an even a list of places to visit (restaurants, bars, etc.)
As ever, we can advertise our programming over social media with poster-specific pieces for Riley and all programming. Lemme get back to you with a full list of ideas/suggested PR deliverables.
KL 204.899.8687
On Wed, Mar 27, 2019 at 9:36 PM James Naylor <Naylor@brandonu.camailto:Naylor@brandonu.ca> wrote: Hi all,
This came up briefly at the last meeting, but we never got back to it. The Riley grant from the U of Winnipeg, which has to be spent on events open to the public, is going to be directed to three events in the conference: the Wednesday evening panel on commemoration, the Thursday evening event at the Ukrainian Labour Temple with the keynote, and the Saturday afternoon bus tours.
We need to figure out how to advertise these events, and what it means for our planning.
A prime audience for the wednesday evening are the folks who are attending the series at the Library. Can we produce a leaflet (Krishna) for them? Where else can we advertise it. This is a potentially useful thing, because we may attract people who decide to register and stay for the conference. The Wednesday event could be quite popular, which raises another issue. I am keeping an eye on registrations and was going to report immediately after early bird registration ends April 1. But this event may attract a significant number of other people which suggests that we may already know that Convocation Hall isn’t large enough. Janis: you may want to report this to the event planning people. I will get back to you when registration itself hits 200, but we should let them know that we are planning and event that isn’t limited to registrants.
For Thursday evening, our main audiences will be accessed through the MFL and Labour Council. Sharon and Jeff can talk to the MFL about this? Perhaps we could quickly make an announcement to put in the next 1919 newsletter? And there may be some affiliates who are particularly interested in McAlevey. Who organized her last visit to the labour council?
Finally, we need to be careful about the bus tours. If we throw it open, we could be swamped and our delegates wouldn’t be able to get on the bus. I’m going to suggest that we have a signup sheet, or print tickets. If our delegates want to go, they can sign up. And we can announce at the conference that they can bring friends and family, but they have to sign them up. And we can allow people who attended the Wednesday and/or Thursday evening events (from the “public”) to sign up as well. This way it’s open, but not out of control And we’ll have a list and can adjust the number of busses.
Does this work for people? Ideas welcome!
James Naylor Professor Department of History Brandon University 270 18th Street Brandon, MB R7A 6A9 Canada
Office: 204 727 9664 Cell: 204 720 2117
Naylor@BrandonU.camailto:Naylor@BrandonU.ca people.brandonu.ca/naylorj/http://people.brandonu.ca/naylorj/
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