I think, as Amber noted yesterday, that we're in a pretty good position to apply for a discount owing to our conference status, which may give us room to rent more buses to accommodate most of our delegates and a good number of non-delegates.
We could also just simply, to satisfy the Riley piece, only advertise so many seats to delegates (first come, first serve) on the webpage/reg page, and the rest goes to the public. Or some version of that.
KL 204.899.8687
On Sun, Apr 7, 2019 at 9:23 AM James Naylor Naylor@brandonu.ca wrote:
Thanks. I was just try to think of alternatives, and talking with Sharon since I posted, they’re not really available in any case. All we can do is to try to have as many bus seats as we reasonably can.
Sent from my iPhone
On Apr 7, 2019, at 9:16 AM, Krishna Lalbiharie < krishna.lalbiharie@gmail.com> wrote:
Jim, regardless of what numbers are crunched, etc., I don't think we can market bus tours this way -- meaning, that we encourage non-Winnipeg delegates to take the tour (for free with a provided bag lunch), whilst somehow discouraging Winnipeg-based folks from said, and instead suggesting that they participate in the MFL's tour — this, at their own personal expense (see rates as follows):
MFL BUS TOUR RATES: Group (10+) rates for adults are $26.00 (including tax), seniors (65+) $24.00, students (18+) $23.00, youth (13-17) $18.00 and children (6-12) $14.00.
ALL MFL BUS TOUR INFO: http://mfl.ca/sites/default/files/Historical%20tours%20pampletFINAL.pdf?823
KL 204.899.8687
On Sun, Apr 7, 2019 at 8:07 AM James Naylor Naylor@brandonu.ca wrote:
Thanks, Sharon,
One of the things we noted (and Amber has more precise figures) is that half of the delegates are from out of town. I am most interested in out-of-towners being able to take the tour. Winnipeggers have the option of doing it at other times. One of the things we thought — in order to prevent to much of a rush of non-conference goers — was that we can note in our advertising, and on the bus registration page, was that bus tours will be offered on other dates through the MFL (I assume, is there a link to information about this?) so this is not their only opportunity. I suspect that Winnipeg-based conference goers, worn out from the conference, knowing of other options for the tours, and particularly if they want to go to the Boots Riley event, might choose to do the tour another time. So I might be less concerned about the later event on Saturday.
On Apr 7, 2019, at 7:55 AM, Sharon Reilly reillysharonmarie@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Jim, Nolan , Paul and I have had some discussion on this and will get back to you with a plan today or tomorrow. One of the key points is that after getting off the busses, people will time to rest up and eat and then get over to the Boots Riley event. We'll take that into consideration. Sharon
Sharon Reilly
On Sun, Apr 7, 2019, 7:48 AM James Naylor, Naylor@brandonu.ca wrote:
I’ve been thinking of issues related to the bus tours, and before we put up the on-line registration for the them, we need to determine the maximum number of seats that we will be making available. Unfortunately, neither Paul nor Sharon could make yesterday’s meeting, as you know, but I want to catch them up on the conversation. The Riley Fund Grant is no longer covering the Thursday evening event at the Ukrainian Labour Temple since our registration has reached a point that that the capacity of the venue no longer makes it feasible to have it open to the public, which the grant stipulates. That event has to come out of our general funds. It does free up Riley money for the Wednesday opening and the bus tours.
The Riley grant is relatively stringent in saying that not only does an event have to be free and open to the public, we cannot prioritize conference goers. We discussed how to work this, and we will make an on line registration system available to all, and advertise it, for the same day. We do, however, want to try to ensure that the conference goers, at least if they act relatively quickly, have a good shot at getting on the busses. That means we want to, and can afford, to have more busses available. We recognize some congestion at some of the sites, but we should try to figure out how to handle this, if we can, and busses will be staggered, any least a bit, since it takes some time to get people on them. We could even say that a couple of the busses leave 20 or 30 minutes later than the first.
What I need to know, relatively quickly, what the cut off number is for the bus tours, since we can register people beyond the number of places available. This is more or less up to Sharon and Paul who have been working on this.
Thanks, Jim
James Naylor Professor Department of History Brandon University 270 18th Street Brandon, MB R7A 6A9 Canada
Office: 204 727 9664 Cell: 204 720 2117
Naylor@BrandonU.ca people.brandonu.ca/naylorj/
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James Naylor Professor Department of History Brandon University 270 18th Street Brandon, MB R7A 6A9 Canada
Office: 204 727 9664 Cell: 204 720 2117
Naylor@BrandonU.ca people.brandonu.ca/naylorj/
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