Dear Conference Committee members,
Please see the email below, which is being circulated by the MFL to its members and friends.
The organizers are looking for nominations of women - union leaders, activists, and others - who have made an important contribution in promoting the rights of working people over the last 100 years.
Thank you,
In honour of the upcoming centennial anniversary of the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike, the MFL is pleased to be partnering with the Prairie School for Union Women and the Saskatchewan and Alberta Federations of Labour on a *Very Special Project to Showcase 100 Outstanding Women Leaders from across the Prairies who have Led the Fight for Workers Rights Over the Last 100 Years*.
Pictures and bios will be displayed at the Prairie School this June 2019 so participants can learn about the Sisters and activists “on whose shoulders we stand”.
Please submit nominations of Manitoban women (including anyone identifying as a woman) who have advanced workers’ rights and women’s rights in our province. We would like nominees to be diverse and reflective of our many backgrounds. Women who have been or are leaders in their unions and the community, champions of change and defenders of rights. Women who have empowered and mentored others to strengthen our movement and women’s equality.
We encourage you to canvass your leadership, staff, executive members, women’s committees and local leadership for nominations.
*In order to nominate an outstanding woman, all you have to do it provide a photo and short (1 paragraph) bio. *
*DEADLINE:* Please provide your nominations by *February 28, 2019* to ARothney@mfl.mb.ca. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Anna Rothney at 204-947-1400.
In solidarity,
Kevin Rebeck
President, Manitoba Federation of Labour