Re: [1919-Conference] FW: Conference in Winnipeg in May

Hi- will respond to the inquiry, thanks, Jodi
From: <> on behalf of Brandon University 1919strikeconference <1919strikeconference@BrandonU.CAmailto:1919strikeconference@BrandonU.CA> Reply-To: 1919 conference organizing committee <> Date: Tuesday, December 12, 2017 at 2:32 PM To: "" <> Subject: [1919-Conference] FW: Conference in Winnipeg in May
FYI - Request from Canadian Museum for Human Rights
________________________________ From: Amber Parker [] Sent: December 8, 2017 1:46 PM To: Brandon University 1919strikeconference Subject: Conference in Winnipeg in May
I have just recently found out about this conference taking place in Winnipeg in May to commemorate the centennial of the Winnipeg General Strike.
I am wondering—do you have to be an academic or scholar affiliated with a post-secondary institution to present at the conference? I develop public programming for the Canadian Museum for Human Rights, and would be interested in presenting on the experiences of women during the Strike.
Thank you,
Amber Parker Interpretive Program Developer| Conceptrice des programmes d’interprétation Canadian Museum for Human Rights | Musée canadien pour les droits de la personne 85 Israel Asper Way Winnipeg, MB R3C 0L5 T: 204.289.2250 F: 204.289.2001 TTY | ATS: 204.289.2050 Toll Free | Sans frais: 1.877.877.6037
participants (1)
Jodi Giesbrecht