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U of M students,
December's http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html Student Health 101 is now ready!
So why should you spend 10 minutes reading http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html Student Health 101, the online health and wellness magazine just for U of M students?
First, you can enter to win December's $1,000 cash prize for reading U of M's health and wellness magazine, online at http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html.
Plus, there are some great articles in http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html December's issue:
http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html Description: alt
http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html Description: alt
http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html Description: alt
http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html Your Guide to Surviving Finals Learn 4 great tips that can help you not just survive but thrive during finals week.
http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html What Is Your Safer Sex IQ? Take our quiz you do know...and be surprised at what you don't know.
http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html 7 Ways to Improve Your Nutrition Find out how you can improve your eating habits today.
http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html Goals: Find Your Path to Success How to start 2012 off right by establishing your pathway to success.
http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html UCookbook: Lunch on the Run + http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html FitnessU: Calisthenics, Anyone?
And don't miss these great stories from the http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html?id=28a53b23 November issue:
How to Handle a Difficult Roommate
Stealing Your Slumber
Deskside Fitness Guide: Workouts In Your Room
Eating Well...Anywhere You Eat
UCookbook: Getting Spicy + FitnessU: The Latest Fitness Equipment
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Don't miss out! Be sure to http://www.facebook.com/pages/U-of-M-Student-Health-101/163129317107687 like U of M Student Health 101 on Facebook for the latest updates on health and wellness.
http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html Start reading today - and be sure to enter to win $1,000!
Thanks for your time,
Marcia Davies Assistant to the Vice-Provost (Students) Student Affairs, University of Manitoba mailto:marci_davies@umanitoba.ca marci_davies@umanitoba.ca http://www.umanitoba.ca/student http://www.umanitoba.ca/student