To all U of Manitoba students...
Please note that all students were erroneously sent an email around 2:30 p.m. today, Monday March 11th, titled "Re: VW notice". We apologize for any inconvenience or confusion.
Read below for information about the upcoming Winter Term VW deadline, and Summer Session Registration (which begins next week!).
Winter Term 2013 Voluntary Withdrawal Deadline
Reminder: The Voluntary Withdrawal Deadline for Winter Term Courses is Wednesday, March 20, 2012. The deadline for Voluntary Withdrawal from Fall/Winter Term and Winter Term courses taught during the standard term is Wednesday, March 20. Courses taught outside the standard term will have different VW deadlines - check with your faculty about these. VW's must be done through Aurora Student and can be done up to 11:59 PM. Are you On Hold? See further below for more information!
Think before you drop... You may decide to VW from a class for a variety of reasons. Common situations include: * The course subject matter was not the same as originally expected; * Your overall course load is too demanding - withdrawing from one class will leave more time for others; * Your program focus has changed and the course is no longer required; * Your mid-term grades were not satisfactory - and you think withdrawing is better than receiving a low or failed grade.
Before you decide to VW from a class, be sure to: * Talk with your course instructor about your concerns and if there are strategies for improvement before the end of term; * Talk to an academic advisor about your course load, study strategies, and options for possibly repeating the course later; * Be aware of course load requirements and implications of VW - if you have a government student loan, are a sponsored student, a Bison athlete or are in any other type of situation that requires a minimum course load; * Refer to the U1 Start Book or the UM Calendar to make sure you know where that course fits into your intended or current program; * Check to see if the course is required as a prerequisite for upper-level courses within your program; * Look at the Winter Term schedule to see if the course is offered again this year.
Please contact an academic advisor to discuss your concerns and options.
Note: If you are On Hold for outstanding tuition, library books, parking fines, etc. you will not be able to access the Registration function in Aurora to VW a course. If you are On Hold and plan to VW, you must either first clear your Hold so that you can access the Registration functions in Aurora, or you must contact your academic advising office for assistance in dropping the course.
New: As part of the University of Manitoba's commitment to providing an excellent learning experience for students, we would like to know why you have chosen not to complete a course or courses. Students who choose to VW will be asked to complete a brief confidential survey on the reason(s) for withdrawal. The information gathered will help us to determine if there is information or resources that may have helped you complete your courses successfully.
Registration for Summer Session 2013
Are you planning to take courses in Summer Session? Join the thousands of students who take advantage of Summer Session to lighten their load in fall & winter, finish their degree faster, enjoy smaller classes, or catch up on missed or failed courses.
More information about Summer Session can be found at www.umanitoba.ca/summerhttp://www.umanitoba.ca/summer.
Here are some things to know if you are planning to register for Summer Session:
* Registration begins in one week, on March 18, 2013. You will be assigned one day during the first week in which you can register. The Registration Schedulehttp://www.umanitoba.ca/extended/summer/calendar/registration/reg_sched.shtml indicates registration dates and times. Find your registration time on Aurora Student. Log in and select Enrolment & Academic Records. Select Registration and then Registration Time & Status. While on this page you should be sure to check if: o You have any Holds that will prevent registration (including Advisor Holds for students in specific programs); o Your academic status prevents registration (e.g. academic suspension); o Your record is not currently active due to an absence from university. * For the first 5 days of registration (March 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22), spaces in most courses are released each day in equal numbers to ensure fair access for all students. For example, if a course has 50 spaces available, 10 spaces will be released each day. During these first 5 days of registration, the only day you may register is determined by the last two digits of your Student Number. You may register between 9:00 am and 11:59 p.m. on your day of registration. * If you are planning to Repeat a course(s) you have previously completed, you must obtain permission from your faculty (University 1) advising office prior to registration. Your advisor can also check to ensure that a course Repeat is to your benefit depending on your academic goals. Do this in advance of your registration day to ensure that your registration is not delayed and you don't miss out on space. * If you are expecting to graduate in Spring 2013, you must re-apply for admission if you plan to continue taking courses in Summer Session. * Remember that you are financially and academically responsible for all courses in which you are registered after the Revision deadline. This Revision period is very short in Summer Session, so make sure you drop a course you will not be taking before it begins - or at the latest before the applicable Revision deadline. Failure to pay for your courses will not result in a de-registration of courses. Students who fail to pay for courses will be placed on Holdhttp://umanitoba.ca/student/records/registration/steps/652.htm and will be unable to register for the following term until the Hold is cleared. Failure to withdraw through normal procedures will result in a grade being assigned to all courses in which you are registered in at the end of term and you will be liable for all associated fees.
Remember - Make sure you contact a student advisor:
* If you are unsure of your course selection and program requirements * If you are planning to repeat a course or take an equivalent course * If your program requires Advisor approval - check your Hold status in Aurora Student.
Registrar's Office University of Manitoba (p) 204.474.9420 www.umanitoba.ca/registrarhttp://www.umanitoba.ca/registrar Questions - Just askumanitobahttps://umanitoba.intelliresponse.com/current/results.jsp!
Student Affairs...Creating Opportunities for Student Success