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U of M students,
November's Student Health 101 http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html is now ready!
So why should you spend 10 minutes reading Student http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html Health 101, the online health and wellness magazine just for U of M students?
First, you can enter to win November's $1,000 cash prize for reading U of M's health and wellness magazine, online at http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html.
Plus, there are some great articles in November's http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html issue:
http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html alt
http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html alt
http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html alt
How to Handle a http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html Difficult Roommate How to get along, when to move on, and tips to improve your living situation. PLUS: Are you a good roommate? Take the quiz today!
Stealing Your Slumber http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html Fact or fiction? A good night's sleep is hard to find...Find out as we uncover 7 sleep myths.
Deskside Fitness Guide http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html Exercise tips from a certified trainer you can put to use in your own room or apartment.
Goodbye Food Pyramid, http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html Hello MyPlate New nutrition guidelines and how to use them everywhere you eat.
UCookbook: Getting http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html Spicy + FitnessU: The Latest http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html Fitness Equipment
And don't miss these great stories from the October http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html?id=54b72b62 issue:
Finding the Right Weight for You.and How to Get There
When Casual Sex Turns Serious
Time Management: Living How to Hour
Evaluate Your Emotional and Mental Health
UCookbook: Healthy Snacks + FitnessU: Building Quick-Twitch Muscles
http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html?id=54b72b62 alt
Don't miss out! Be sure to like http://www.facebook.com/pages/U-of-M-Student-Health-101/163129317107687 U of M Student Health 101 on Facebook for the latest updates on health and wellness.
Start reading today http://sh101.ca/umanitoba.html - and be sure to enter to win $1,000!
Like us on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/umanitobaSH101
Thanks for your time,
Marcia Davies Assistant to the Vice-Provost (Students) University of Manitoba marci_davies@umanitoba.ca
Student Affairs....creating opportunities for student success