Dear students, Earlier today, Senate Executive (on behalf of Senate, the governing body of the university), approved several motions related to potential impacts on the academic schedule as a result of the strike. During any labour disruption, the academic schedule is modified to maintain the integrity of courses and programs, and to ensure that requirements for accreditation are upheld. Modifications are made based on potential scenarios that reflect hypothetical strike durations. In the motions noted below, two scenarios were presented to Senate Executive with hypothetical strike end dates (Scenario 1: on or before November 15; Scenario 2: between November 16 to 23). In both scenarios the fall academic term remains intact and the winter term commences as planned.
Academic calendar modifications
Scenario 1 [Return to teaching on or before November 15]:
* The last instructional day of fall term, December 10, 2021 remains unchanged for continuing classes. * The last instructional day of fall term for interrupted classes will be December 16, 2021. * The voluntary withdrawal date will move from November 23 to November 29, 2021 for all classes, continuing and interrupted. * The December exam period will still occur from December 11 to December 23, 2021; however, given the extension of the fall term for interrupted classes, a new exam schedule must be created. The new exam schedule includes dates on the weekends. This schedule will be complete and available to students by December 1, 2021 and will replace the current exam schedule that was made available to students at the end of October. Scenario 2 [Return to teaching between November 16 and November 23]:
* The last instructional day of fall term, December 10, 2021 remains unchanged for continuing classes. * The last instructional day for fall term for interrupted classes will be December 23, 2021. * The voluntary withdrawal date will move from November 23 to December 7, 2021 for all classes, continuing and interrupted. * The original exam period, December 11 to 23, 2021, will continue as is for continuing courses that are not disrupted by the strike. * The dates of the alternate exam period will be January 6 to 9, 2022, inclusive. All courses interrupted by the strike will have their exams re-scheduled to occur during this alternate period. * The final grade appeal deadline will be moved from January 25, 2022, to January 28, 2022, for all classes, continuing and interrupted.
*Slight modifications may be required for both scenarios. Full details about the academic calendar changes can be found herehttps://umanitoba.ca/strike-information/student-faq.
What happens when the strike ends? Once an agreement has been reached and the strike has ended, things may move quickly. UM and UMFA will announce that a tentative agreement has been reached, subject to ratification, and that will include the date when courses will resume. Senate Executive also passed two motions intended to reduce any undue anxiety or hardship for students impacted by the strike:
* No assignments will be due or exams held in interrupted courses within 72 hours of those courses resuming. This is to give students some time to complete assignments and to study. * Some students will have a combination of courses that continued throughout the strike, and courses with modified schedules because the instructor was on strike. Academic unit heads and academic staff shall ensure that students are not disadvantaged with respect to any missed classes, materials, assignments/tests when there is a scheduling conflict between a class and an exam. Please communicate directly with your instructors if you have a conflict.
This uncertainty can be stressful - please know that UM's student support officeshttps://umanitoba.ca/student-supports are open and more than happy to help during this time. Do not hesitate to reach out. There are also a variety of other resources being shared on our student Instagram accounthttps://www.instagram.com/umstudent/ including academic resources and health and wellness supports. If you have questions, visit the strike information websitehttps://umanitoba.ca/strike-information/. If your questions are not answered there, please email strikeum@umanitoba.camailto:strikeum@umanitoba.ca and we will help find you an answer. Thank you for your patience during this challenging time. I know we all look forward to putting this chapter behind us.
Warmly, Laurie
Laurie M. Schnarr, MA (she/her) Vice-Provost (Students) Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) University of Manitoba 208 Administration Building Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Tel: 204.474.6919
Confidential Assistant - Marci Davies Marci.Davies@umanitoba.camailto:Marcia.Davies@umanitoba.ca: 204.474.6917
Student Affairs: Creating opportunities for student success!
The University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of the Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation.
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