CAMPUS BEAUTIFICATION DAY will be held on Thursday, May 26, 2011. This is the 14th year of this highly successful event which is made possible by the great leadership of the Physical Plant staff.
Staff, students, faculty and retirees are invited to participate on a voluntary basis to help beautify the campus.
Each department is requested to designate a CONTACT PERSON who will be responsible for coordinating the volunteers from their department. The name, department, address and phone number of the contact person should be forwarded by Monday, April 25, 2011 to:
Fort Garry Campus - campbeau@cc.umanitoba.ca
Bannatyne Campus - b_domaradzki@umanitoba.ca
If you have any questions, please contact Lyle Morin at 474-6285 or email morinl@cc.umanitoba.ca. Questions from the Bannatyne Campus can be directed to Ben Domaradzki at 789-3792 or email b_domaradzki@umanitoba.ca.
The campus will once again be divided into zones. Jobs such as picking up paper, raking, sweeping, pulling weeds and planting flowers will be identified.
Development and Advancement Services will be approaching garden centres for donations of flowers and plants. Physical Plant staff will be assigned to each zone to work with the contact people to coordinate the projects. A brown bag meeting of all contact people will be held in Room 204 University Centre (Marshall McLuhan), at noon on Wednesday, April 27, 2011 to finalize the arrangements. Refreshments will be provided.
On Campus Beautification Day, a barbecue lunch sponsored by ARAMARK will be held at noon in the quadrangle on the Fort Garry Campus and in front of the Brodie Centre on the Bannatyne Campus for all volunteers. Pepsi will be providing the refreshments. The Bookstore as well as various other business on Campus will be donating "door" prizes for the event. This year the Grand Prize is two airline tickets donated by West Jet.
Teams are encouraged to propose projects which will be judged and the best gardens will be awarded with first, second and third prizes. Last year many innovative ideas were presented so please submit your ideas to campbeau@cc.umanitoba.ca (Fort Garry Campus) or b_domaradzki@umanitoba.ca (Bannatyne Campus).
Volunteers are asked to bring gloves, rakes and spades from home although some will be provided by Physical Plant. Physical Plant will be hiring additional grounds staff during the summer to maintain the work. The project will commence at 9:00 AM and continue throughout the day. Everyone is invited to participate for as much time as their schedules permit. In the event of rain, the rain date is Friday, May 27, 2011 so please keep that date open as well.
Please join us for another fun and rewarding Campus Beautification Day on May 26.
Deborah J. McCallum
Vice-President (Administration)
University of Manitoba
202 Administration Building
Email: Debbie_McCallum@UManitoba.ca
Phone: 204-474-9777 FAX: 204-261-1318