Update to UM Students - March 20, 2020

Dear Students,
As we navigate these uncertain times together, your University is committed to providing you with as much support and direction as we can.
Today, I have several updates, resources and a reminder to share with you:
Campus buildings will be closed. Effective 11.59 pm, Monday, March 23, 2020 all university buildings will be closed or have limited access to employees deemed as essential until further notice.
Spring Convocation ceremonies are cancelled. We are following recommendations from Canadian health officials to cancel all public gatherings of 50 people or more due to COVID-19. Students who have planned to graduate will still be able to do so, as the University has made arrangements to complete the academic term and to verify completion of program requirements. We are exploring creative options to fully celebrate the academic success of our graduands. Those students will receive further details closer to the end of term.
Distance Education Courses (DE designated). Recognized distance education (DE designated) courses already scheduled to commence on May 4th will proceed. Information regarding registration deadlines for DE courses will be communicated soon.
Re-Entering VWd courses. The VW date for Winter term courses was changed from March 18 to April 13. Students who VWd between March 9 and March 16 (the date the change in the VW deadline was announced) are entitled to re-enter the dropped course if they wish. To do so, students must email (using your umanitoba email address) an academic advisor in your home faculty/college/schoolhttp://umanitoba.ca/student-supports/academic-supports/academic-advising by Tuesday, March 24 with the following information: student name, student number, course name and CRN. Students who re-enter courses will be responsible for lecture material missed during their absence.
Domestic students in residence must return home. To maximize social distancing and to keep students safe, Canadian residents who can return home must move out of residence by 12 p.m. Wednesday, March 25. International and Canadian students who may have special circumstances that warrant an extended stay must make a request through the residence portalhttps://starrez-app.cc.umanitoba.ca/StarRezPortal/Default.aspx?Params=L9ezxPcQnQsDuaBX%2bLFbaQQWBJ7Dzr%2bG. More details on moving out, refunds, and dining services can be found herehttp://umanitoba.ca/coronavirus.
Ways to succeed at remote learning. Adapting to a new learning environment can be challenging, but it is achievable. We've put together some tips to help you adjust quickly.https://news.umanitoba.ca/5-tips-to-help-you-finish-your-courses-successfully/
Take care of your mental health. It is normal to feel overwhelmed and stressed when faced with so much uncertainty. Making your wellbeing a priority will help you both academically and personally. Here are some lifestyle suggestions and people you can reach out to for help.https://news.umanitoba.ca/ways-to-enhance-your-wellbeing/
Academic supports are available. Even though you may not be on campus, we are still here to support you in finishing your term successfully. Many student services are offering phone, email, and/or video appointments, including: academic advisorshttp://umanitoba.ca/student-supports/academic-supports/academic-advising, Academic Learning Centrehttp://umanitoba.ca/student/academiclearning/, Librarieshttp://umanitoba.ca/libraries/ and Student Accessibility Services.http://umanitoba.ca/student-supports/accessibility
As previously communicated, there will be no in-person exams for courses offered during Winter Term 2020.
You can find all UM news about COVID-19, including FAQs for students, on this pagehttp://umanitoba.ca/coronavirus, which is updated when new information becomes available.
Please stay safe and be sure to continue following Manitoba Health directives concerning social distancing, hand washing, and coughing/sneezing etiquette. By looking after ourselves, and each other, we will get through these challenging times.
I will be in touch with new information, advice, and direction as this situation evolves.
All my best,
Laurie Schnarr
Laurie M. Schnarr, MA Vice-Provost (Students) Student Affairs Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) 208 Administration Building Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Tel: 204.474.6919
Confidential Assistant - Marci Davies Marci.Davies@umanitoba.camailto:Marcia.Davies@umanitoba.ca: 204.474.6917
Student Affairs: Creating opportunities for student success!
The University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of the Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation.
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Marcia Davies