[U of M Health 101: March, 2013]http://read101.ca/umanitoba.html
March's U of M Health 101 is now ready - check it out online at http://read101.ca/umanitoba.html -
Enter the March drawing for $2,500http://read101.ca/umanitoba.html - and check out what's in the March issue:
[U of M Health 101: March, 2013]http://read101.ca/umanitoba.html
The Five Elements of Fitness Incorporate new strategies to maximize results. Feed Your Body, Nourish Your Mind How what you eat affects the way you feel. What's Your Learning Style? Ways to apply what works for you. The 8 Hour Advantage Discover the science behind shut-eye. UCookbook: Comfort Food Makeovers FitnessU: Gym-Free Routines
And like us on Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/UniversityofManitobaStudentHealth101 for when we announce the winner. Thanks for your time,
Marcia Davies Assistant to the Vice-Provost (Students) Student Affairs, University of Manitoba marci_davies@umanitoba.camailto:marci_davies@umanitoba.ca http://www.umanitoba.ca/student
participants (1)