Update to UM Students September 8 2021

Dear Students,
Welcome to the first day of Fall Term! Whether you're new to the University of Manitoba, coming to campus for the first time, or a returning student, I wish you the very best as you embark upon a new academic year.
Throughout the term, I'll be sending you emails regularly to keep you up to date on information that affects students, and to highlight various resources that I hope you will find helpful. Today, I'm sharing important details on UM's COVID protocols, university services, resources for new students, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, and strategies for staying connected.
COVID-19 Protocols
All UM students, faculty, staff and campus visitors must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19https://umanitoba.ca/coronavirus/vaccine-information. Individuals over age 12 are required to have their first dose by September 22, 2021 and their second dose by the end of October 2021. The University is holding vaccine clinics on campushttps://news.umanitoba.ca/um-vaccination-clinic-book-your-appointment-now/, but you can also book a vaccine appointment directly through Shared Healthhttps://protectmb.ca/ or with the University Health Servicehttps://umanitoba.ca/student-supports/health-wellness/university-health-service on the Fort Garry campus.
When you come to campus, you'll need to wear a 3-ply mask and maintain physical distancing. The pandemic is ever-changing, so I encourage you to regularly check UM's COVID-19 websitehttps://umanitoba.ca/coronavirus/students to learn what is required of you as a student.
We were pleased to learn last week that international students are now eligible to receive a Manitoba immunization card. Further details on the number to call to receive a card can be found herehttps://manitoba.ca/covid19/vaccine/immunizationrecord/residents.html.
Navigating the University
During the Fall Term most programs, services and supports will continue to be delivered remotely. To find out how you can access the libraries, study spaces, and food and beverage services, visit this webpagehttps://news.umanitoba.ca/whats-open-on-both-campuses/.
If you are on campus during September 8-10, stop by UM Commons: Live in the Quad (look for the signs) and say "Hi!". Students, faculty and staff from Student Affairs and other units will be on hand to answer questions, provide tours of campus and other helpful information.
Planning to park on campus? There are a variety of permits availablehttps://news.umanitoba.ca/fall-term-student-parking-permits-on-sale-new-flexible-option-available/ to suit your needs, whether you are on campus regularly, occasionally or on a flex schedule.
Take in a Bisons game or visit our campus fitness facilities - it's a great way to meet new people and stay healthy. Students have access to these facilities and all Bisons home gameshttps://gobisons.ca/index.aspx through the Sport and Rec Feehttps://umanitoba.ca/community/sport-recreation/um-sport-and-recreation-facilities-and-covid-19#um-students-update applied to your tuition . This fee was approved by the student body several years ago and was instrumental in building the state-of-the-art facilities students enjoy today. Check out the Recreation Serviceshttps://umanitoba.ca/community/sport-recreation/recreation-services website to book workout appointments and learn other important information. Remember that proof of COVID-19 vaccination is required in all recreation facilities, as per public health restrictionshttps://www.manitoba.ca/covid19/prs/index.html#provinciallevel.
Have questions and not sure who to ask? Visit the Virtual Advising Help Centrehttps://umanitoba.ca/virtual-advising-help-centre. Our team of Student Service Navigators are available seven days a week to help you find the answers you need or direct you to the right resources.
New to UM?
Check out the online hub UM Commonshttps://umanitoba.ca/current-students/um-commons. It is filled with important information and resources to help you get ready for university study, thrive, and excel!
International students are encouraged to check out the supports and services provided by the International Centre. Visit the IC's websitehttps://umanitoba.ca/international for events and programming opportunities, including, for example, the Culture and Connection serieshttps://umanitoba.ca/current-students/international#getting-settled for students new to UM and Winnipeg.
Students with disabilities who are seeking accommodations, and haven't yet contacted Student Accessibility Serviceshttps://umanitoba.ca/student-supports/accessibility, are encouraged to do so as soon as possible. Arranging academic accommodations and supports takes time and we want to set you up for success.
Indigenous students will find a circle of support including staff, faculty and Elders who will help to make your university experience beneficial, accessible and successful. Visit herehttps://umanitoba.ca/indigenous/student-experience for more information. Connect with and build communityhttps://umanitoba.ca/indigenous/student-experience#get-involved by joining a campus group.
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
The University of Manitoba campuses are located on Treaty 1 Territory, the original lands of Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation. In the spirit of reconciliation, UM will be closed on September 30th, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliationhttps://news.umanitoba.ca/um-will-recognize-the-national-day-for-truth-and-reconciliation/. On this important day of learning and reflection, I encourage you to take part in the many events and activities hosted by the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation and members of our local community. More details will be shared herehttps://nctr.ca/education/trw/general-public-schedule/ as they become available.
Stay Connected
Every week, you'll receive UM's student e-newsletter Student Weeklyhttps://umanitoba.ca/student/weekly/. It is the easiest way to get all the key information you need, like deadlines, events, scholarships, student supports and opportunities.
You can also follow @umstudent on Instagram. From Q & As with Academic Advisors to takeovers on yoga and meditation, this account is a key resource for students.
Whether you are learning remotely or attending some in-person classes, I wish you all good things as you pursue your studies. The path back to UM has begun and we are all excited to see you on our campuses soon!
All my best,
Laurie Schnarr
Laurie M. Schnarr, MA (she/her) Vice-Provost (Students) Office of the Provost and Vice-President (Academic) University of Manitoba 208 Administration Building Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2 Tel: 204.474.6919
Confidential Assistant - Marci Davies Marci.Davies@umanitoba.camailto:Marcia.Davies@umanitoba.ca: 204.474.6917
Student Affairs: Creating opportunities for student success!
The University of Manitoba campuses are located on original lands of the Anishinaabeg, Cree, Oji-Cree, Dakota, and Dene peoples, and on the homeland of the Métis Nation.
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Marcia Davies