Great news from Councillor Gerbasi...
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Gerbasi, Jenny JGerbasi@winnipeg.ca Date: Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 11:46 AM Subject: GREAT NEWS ON THE BICYCLE TRAFFIC BYLAW ISSUE!
Dear Friends,
I just spoke with the Acting head of the Winnipeg Police service and he let me know that they will be pulling the Traffic Bylaw item off of the EPC agenda and sending it back for review to be part of a larger more detailed review that Public Works is doing of the traffic bylaw.****
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In other words, the bylaw is not going ahead as planned and they will work to address the concerns raised about the wording of the bylaw. So groups of 10 or more cyclists do not have to worry about receiving fines..****
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Jenny Gerbasi Councillor, Fort Rouge-East Fort Garry Phone: (204)986 5878 Fax: (204) 986 5636 jgerbasi@winnipeg.ca ****
If you wish to sign up for my e-newsletter and receive occasional updates of city hall happenings please go to my web site: www.jennygerbasi.ca . You can also follow me on twitter @JennyGerbasi or join my Councillor Jenny Gerbasi page on Facebook. ****
Dear Friends,****
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I am writing in follow-up to the concerned raised about the changes to the Traffic Bylaw that EPC is considering tomorrow.****
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I am advocating strongly to get the traffic bylaw matter referred back to the Standing Policy Committee …and then to staff to be reconsidered and address the issue raised of fines for bikes in groups of 10 or more.****
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It is my understanding that the intention of the bylaw change is to allow parade permits for large bike events for groups that wanted to have a police escort and that a change was made in the definition to include bikes in the bylaw. This was something some councilors and groups were advocating for. However…the change in definition which now includes cyclists in the traffic bylaw allows any group of cyclists of 10 or more to be a finable offence if they DON”T have a permit …which is not what was intended at all. This is a problem as numerous community activities could result in fines…things like family or group rides, Downtown BIZ cycling tours and much more.****
I expect that this problem is an unintentional side effect of the change in definition …It is better to take more time and do this right…than have it done speedily.****
So I will be advocating to have this referred back and have this addressed.* ***
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EPC meets on this tomorrow and hopefully they will be receptive to revisiting this. I will be contacting EPC members ahead of the meeting and I know a number of citizens are scheduled to attend. I am not able to be there tomorrow in person as am speaking at a community event…but will be following this issue closely.****
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Most sincerely, Jenny****
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Jenny Gerbasi ****