Check out our latest e-newsletter for all sorts of info and events on green commuting!
(Click here http://greenactioncentre.ca/content/active-green/ if you'd like to subscribe or see past issues.)
Email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser.http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=852acefb0a&e=57a12ec889 *Looking to improve commuter options at your workplace?* Request resourceshttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=1cf60a6a0e&e=57a12ec889employee commuting surveys, secure bicycle parking, Smart Trips, and more.
Register for free Creative Commuting Ambassador Traininghttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=dfc6eb27b6&e=57a12ec889sessions.
Book a presentationhttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=68132a2a47&e=57a12ec889on creating a commuter friendly workplace, greening the workplace, and more.
Rent our bike-powered blenderhttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=139033bf1c&e=57a12ec889for your next workplace event -- always a hit! Feeling inspired? Check out these other pedal-poweredhttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=54e61d1763&e=57a12ec889machines.
Melissa Gayle-Smith from the University of Manitoba's Sustainability Office gives the bike blender a whirl. ------------------------------ *Upcoming Events*
Commuter Challenge Kickoff!http://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=addc744c18&e=57a12ec889 11am, Thurs, May 29 South side of Disraeli AT Bridge (Rover Ave)
The W.R.E.N.C.H. Workshopshttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=58827efce3&e=57a12ec889 Bike Part Art, Sat, May 31 3 Speed Hubs, Sat, May 31 Hubs, Sat, June 28 Headsets, Sat, July 26 Frame Bending, Sat, August 23
Commuter Challenge Weekhttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=4381817f8f&e=57a12ec889 June 1-7, 2014
*Clean Air Day on the Bridge*http://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=c12754ad0a&e=57a12ec889 Wed, June 4, 2014, 7-9am NE corner Leg grounds near ped & bike signal on Osborne
#busisbetterhttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=8bcb386506&e=57a12ec889 The Downtown BIZ will be rewarding transit riders at different bus stop locations. Transit riders can help themselves to *FREE* Starbucks coffee and other coupons/vouchers from 15 different downtown restaurants and businesses. 7:30-9am, June 2-6 Mon: Main @ Broadway (Northbound) Tue: Portage @ Edmonton (Westbound) Wed: Graham @ Edmonton (Eastbound) Thu: Portage @ Donald (Eastbound) Fri: Graham @ Donald (Westbound)
Bike Week Winnipeghttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=3c12fc5317&e=57a12ec889 June 16-22, 2014 Includes 7th Annual Bike to Work Day on Fri, June 20
Bike Ride to Folk Festivalhttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=eba3b9c73c&e=57a12ec889 Wed, July 9, 2014
A Moveable Feasthttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=928f555225&e=57a12ec889 June 19, September 27
------------------------------ http://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=5fb4214aa0&e=57a12ec889 http://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=5ad18b22fe&e=57a12ec889 http://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=9d2ecfde7d&e=57a12ec889
*6 guys, 1 van, great carpool*
Meet Cody, Guy, Darrel C., Rick, Justin and Darrel F. In 2010, they bought a van together and have been saving money on gas and repairs by vanpooling to work ever since. Read their storyhttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=cb007dbee4&e=57a12ec889 and collect a few tips to start your own carpool.
*Commuter Challenge is on!*
Need a reason to participate in the 15th annual Commuter Challengehttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=c6b0812c54&e=57a12ec889? Here are my top 4 reasons to take part:
1. I can see the difference I'm making by walking to work when combined with the efforts of 7,000 other participants in Manitoba and 25,000 across Canada. 2. I can see the money I’m saving, GHG emissions I’m avoiding, and calories I burn every time I add another day's commute. 3. I can gloat that I helped Winnipeg to win the Commuter Challenge for the 11th year. 4. ... and have you seen the prizeshttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=206613d1cb&e=57a12ec889 ?!
Register todayhttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=6e92965ac5&e=57a12ec889 and tell us why you’re taking the Challenge. Also, if you're hosting an event at your workplace the week of the Challenge, let us know and send us your pictures<jessie@greenactioncentre.ca?subject=Events%20and%20pictures%20from%20Commuter%20Challenge%20week> !
*Try transit - FREE pass*
Work downtown and want to give transit a try? You're in luck as the Downtown BIZ is giving away 250 FREE 5-day passes as part of the Bus is Betterhttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=cd1268aad9&e=57a12ec889 campaign. Just in time to use during Commuter Challenge! Head down to the Millennium Library Desk to pick up a pass while supplies last. You might also be one of the lucky transit riders who gets a free coffee and other giveaways at a downtown bus stop June 2-6 during Commuter Challenge.
*Take your brain for a walk*
If you need an excuse to go for a walk, research is on your side. Researchers from Santa Clara University have found that going for a walk increases your creative thoughtshttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=be78ed34d9&e=57a12ec889both during and afterward. Just to be sure, they put their volunteers to the test – walking indoors on a treadmill, walking outside, sitting inside a lab with no windows, and sitting outside in the fresh air. Without question, those who were walking (indoors or out), “...had more thoughts, but they also had a higher density of creative thoughts than sitters”, says Marily Oppezzo, lead author of the study. So if you need to do some creative thinking today, take your brain for a walk!
*RRC takes the bus*
Red River College has offered downtown employees a 60% EcoPass discount on monthly bus passes since 2012. This works out to a cost of about $33 per month for a staff bus pass - a much more appealing option than paying for parking downtown. The result? 84% of RRC staff at Paterson Global Foods Institute take the bus! Find out more on Red River College's Red Goes Greenhttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=ad89034e57&e=57a12ec889blog.
*Clean Air Day on the Bridge*
Join us on Wednesday, June 4th, between 7:00 and 9:00 a.m. to celebrate active and green commuting on Clean Air Day. All part of the week-long Commuter Challenge June 1-7! Stop along your way to work for a tasty snack, enter to win a great draw prize, get a quick adjustment on your bike, chat with other active commuters, and even register on the spot for the Commuter Challenge. Find details herehttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=291f7d41de&e=57a12ec889 .
*Bikes, bikes and more bikes* After this winter, there's nothing better than being out on your bike enveloped in warm sunshine. 'Tis the season for all things bike-related and here are our top 5. First and foremost, take in Winnipeg's annual celebration of cycling with a full week of activities during Bike Weekhttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=68de57b0a6&e=57a12ec889 (June 14-22). Second, discover which Winnipeg neighbourhood made a Top 10 Cycling Communities in Canadahttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=7575d705d0&e=57a12ec889list. Third, get ready to ride Winnipeg's first parking protected bike lanehttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=1c2bbabec2&e=57a12ec889. Fourth, ride your bike to Winnipeg Folk Festivalhttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=84672b99b8&e=57a12ec889. Finally, try out the 20km City Loop Trailhttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=cbfc868585&e=57a12ec889 to get around Brandon. You are receiving this email because you are an Active & Green subscriber.
Our mailing address is: Green Action Centre 3-303 Portage Ave. Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 2B4 Canada
Add us to your address bookhttp://greenactioncentre.us2.list-manage.com/vcard?u=af15a2f9f91ef9a183a3f55cc&id=edbe5121e0
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