Recreation Connections Manitoba and Green Action Centre are pleased to announce the latest exciting developments in the After The School Bell Rings: A Manitoba After School Recreation Project.
We invite you to visit the new After The School Bell Rings: A Manitoba After School Recreation Project website at www.afterschoolmanitoba.ca Officially launched as of May 6, 2011, the website includes information on the project; resources related to after school programs, physical activity, nutrition, and active transportation and will be used to keep stakeholders informed on the project and related topics.
Interactive features to encourage information sharing and communication among after school program providers will be developed over the next while.
*Call for Applications*
The After The School Bell Rings: A Manitoba After School Recreation Project has released a Call for Applications for after school providers interested in participating as a pilot site during the 2011 – 2012 school year. Funding of up to $10,000 will be provided to assist after school programs, for children ages 6 – 12 years, increase physical activity, healthy eating and active transportation within their program. A minimum of *6* sites from across the province will be selected to participate.
The deadline for applications is *May 27, 2011*.
For more information and to download the application form and an information package with background information, application process and eligibility criteria please visit www.afterschoolmanitoba.ca
Roy Mulligan
Project Coordinator
After The School Bell Rings: A Manitoba After School Recreation Project
Recreation Connections Manitoba
317-145 Pacific Ave.
Winnipeg, MB R3B 2Z6
Phone: (204)925-5751
Email: recconnections.pro@sportmanitoba.ca