*(from 8 80 Cities newsletter)*
Embracing Winter As An Asset
Winter placemaking is a means to reinvent and re-envision the ways that public spaces are created and used in order to meet the evolving needs of communities amid the challenges of the winter season. Winter Placemaking can be a means to build community trust and invest in the co-creation of public spaces that represent community needs all year round.
Check out our Winter Placemaking Guide https://880cities.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=49b51d71f0a96500f24124fb7&id=1f430b9661&e=0bbb5840e1 with examples from communities across North America that have embraced a warmer and more inclusive winter for all.
For more on winter visit our Winter Cities Toolkit https://880cities.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=49b51d71f0a96500f24124fb7&id=c5cff74353&e=0bbb5840e1 .