---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Stephanie Voyce stephanie@downtownwinnipegbiz.com Date: Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 7:57 PM Subject: TOD EVENT CANCELLATION
Good evening,
We regret to inform you that this week's conference - Ideas for Action on Transit Oriented Development, organized by Via Fara Transportation Policy and Planning Consulting, has been cancelled. The forum, scheduled for September 12 from 7pm-9pm at Portage Place, will also not be taking place.
Our sincere apologies for the inconvenience this may cause. We hope to be able to engage you in the future with another forum on this topic.
Please don't hesitate to be in contact with us if you have any questions or comments.
Best regards,
Stephanie Voyce Project Manager, Image & Transportation Downtown Winnipeg BIZ 204.958.4621 office 204.958.4630 fax Visit our website at www.downtownwinnipegbiz.com!