[From the APBP listserv]
The Portland Bureau of Transportation has published a report https://www.portland.gov/sites/default/files/2020-09/pbot_escooter_report_final.pdf about their phase 2 e-scooter pilot program, evaluating it against the goals they established for it. I found a lot in the report that would be of interest to active transportation professionals, including what types of facilities are used, how usage changes when new facilities are installed, how to reduce sidewalk riding and ped-unfriendly parking, what reduces pedestrian conflict, what percentage of scooter trips replace walk/bike trips, and more.
*JESSICA ROBERTS* *Pronouns: she/her* Principal | *Alta Planning + Design, Inc.* *Working remotely: c**:* 503.752.4144 Portland, OR | altago.com