Should the speed limit on residential streets be lowered?
By: Malaya Marcelino - MLA for Notre Dame Posted: *07/20/2020 9:29 AM* |
In Notre Dame there are far too many traffic accidents and collisions. Pedestrians are often seriously injured and there have also been fatalities, including those of young children.
Our community is ready to make the streets safer for all of us, especially for our kids. That’s why I am working with Safe Speeds Winnipeg and promoting its #Love30on30 campaign to raise awareness of the benefits of lowering residential speed limits in our city.
Our community has been very active in campaigning to reduce the residential speed limit.
Many of you may have been seeing a team of dedicated volunteers out canvassing in the neighbourhood every Friday.
There has been a fantastic response from the community. Signs have been put up to raise awareness and there are more folks wanting to promote this issue than Safe Speeds Winnipeg has signs. If you want one, please visit love30on30.org https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/our-communities/times/forum/love30on30.org
As part of the campaign, an event will be held on the 30th of every month to involve community members in the conversation. Last month, on June 30, a zumba class for seniors was held at Autumn House. It was a great day of socially distanced dance, exercise and music outdoors.
This month, on July 30, a bike clinic is being offered at the Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba on Isabel Street. The clinic will discuss bike and street safety and will also involve a giveaway from the Winnipeg Repair Education and Cycling Hub.
WRENCH takes used bikes from the landfills and restores them to their former glory so that they are not going waste.
The Green Action Centre, as part of its commitment to raising the profile of active transportation, also supports a 30 km/h default speed in residential areas. Volunteers from the GAC have developed an app called ETA, which enables you to punch in your route to see how long it would take you to travel to a destination if a reduced speed limit is put in place. In many cases, your trip by vehicle would only take one to two minutes longer with a reduced speed limit. Visit www.love30on30.org/eta/ to try it out.
What are your thoughts on a 30 km/h default residential speed limit?
Get in touch with my office at Malaya.marcelino@yourmanitoba.ca or call 204-788-0800.
Stay safe and have a great summer.