*** Friendly reminder regarding tomorrow's webinar ***
Green Action Centre and Bike Winnipeg invite you to join us for a local viewing of this month's APBP http://www.apbp.org/ webinar.
The webinar viewing takes place in the EcoCentre boardroom (3rd floor, 303 Portage Ave) and will be followed by group discussion of local applications.
RSVPs appreciated but not necessary. Hope to see you then!
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*Growing the Movement - University Curriculum for Pedestrian and Bicycle ProfessionalsWednesday, February 15 | 2:00 - 3:00 pm CST *
- Kristen Brookshire, University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center - Ahmed El-Geneidy, Associate Professor at the School of Urban Planning, McGill University
Join us for the monthly APBP webinar to hear presenters share the research and education perspectives on university curriculum.
Kristen Brookshire, Research Associate at the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center, has been involved in the development of guidance documents and research reports for a variety of audiences, including a primer for state highway transportation officials and an evaluation of child pedestrian safety curriculum. Through the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center and the Walk Friendly Communities program, Kristen continues to develop resources and provide technical assistance on planning, designing, and developing programs that support walking and bicycling.