*From:* Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba [mailto:lgnews@leg.gov.mb.ca] *Sent:* Tuesday, February 25, 2020 10:48 AM *Subject:* HAPPY CITIES – The Shape of Neighbourhoods and Well-being With Hazel Borys
[image: Office of the Lieutenant Governor]
*News Release*
February 25, 2020
*HAPPY CITIES The Shape of Neighbourhoods and Well-being With Hazel Borys*
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*Next Presentation in the Lieutenant-Governor’s Conversations & Celebrations Series of Free Public Events Celebrating Manitoba’s Ceremonial Home*
Lt.-Gov. Janice C. Filmon invites Manitobans to join her in engaging in Conversations and Celebrations – a monthly gathering of fascinating and entertaining people from across this great province. Lt.-Gov. Filmon developed this initiative to honour the 135th birthday of Government House during 2018. Based on the overwhelming success of these monthly free public events, the program continues throughout 2020. *The next event will be Tuesday, March 10 at Government House. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.*
March’s guest speaker is Hazel Borys, president and CEO of PlaceMakers. With city planning firms operating in Canada and the United States, Borys and her team are passionate about advancing the resilience conversation, and the belief that diverse, character-rich neighbourhoods can actually make us happier. She guides governments around the world through policy and land use law reforms – allowing walkable, mixed-use, compact places to develop by right – and helps developers design and enable liveable, loveable places. In her presentation, Borys will share some of the benefits that cities and provinces can enjoy in supporting these sorts of urban forms, and what Manitobans can do to strengthen our connection to each other and this place we call home. Members of the Winnipeg Jazz Orchestra will provide entertainment at the close of the program.
In her role as lieutenant-governor, as well as in her private life, Lt.-Gov. Filmon embraces the role of community connector. Her vision for Conversations and Celebrations is to continue to find meaningful ways to bring Manitobans together to learn, and celebrate unique talents, abilities and perspectives by embracing the rich diversity of this province and its people.
“I am thrilled with how Manitobans have embraced this initiative and we have lots of great presentations planned throughout Manitoba’s 150th anniversary year,” said Lt.-Gov. Filmon. “People are leaving Government House at the end of the evening with their hearts and minds full, eyes wide open to the great things happening in our province and beyond, and inspired to make a difference.”
Events will run from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. most often on the second Tuesday of each month. *Those wishing to attend must register in advance with the Office of the Lieutenant Governor by calling 204-945-2753. * Registration is now open. There is no cost to attend.
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Media Inquiries Only: Kate Gameiro, 204-945-2752
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