Happy Trails Terry Zdan
*From:* Info Eco-Counter info@eco-counter.com *Date:* May 6, 2020 at 6:49:39 AM CDT
Interactive dashboard, pop-up infrastructure, and more *Eco-Counter Newsletter, May 2020*
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*Capturing the growth of cycling since COVID-19: Introducing our new interactive dashboard*
If you have been out on a bike path or trail in the past month you've probably noticed something: *there are a lot of people out cycling right now*. We've seen news stories in Arlington https://info.eco-compteur.com/e/685233/rowded-trails-during-covid-19-/3hnyt/91848024?h=waUyFlgsdA1CNDQZo5zluRl2D6G-dKZkIWAZjqbNCFg, New York https://info.eco-compteur.com/e/685233/onavirus-nyc-bike-commute-html/3hnyw/91848024?h=waUyFlgsdA1CNDQZo5zluRl2D6G-dKZkIWAZjqbNCFg, Richmond https://info.eco-compteur.com/e/685233/ckets-amidst-covid-19-pandemic/3hnyy/91848024?h=waUyFlgsdA1CNDQZo5zluRl2D6G-dKZkIWAZjqbNCFg and so many other places talking about how many people are cycling and walking.
Today, we're proud to introduce our new interactive dashboard that tracks the impact of the pandemic on bike counts in North America and Europe. The analysis confirms our hypothesis: *cycling is booming*. Explore our interactive dashboard of bike counts here https://info.eco-compteur.com/e/685233/BikeCounts2020/3hnz1/91848024?h=waUyFlgsdA1CNDQZo5zluRl2D6G-dKZkIWAZjqbNCFg
Overall, *bike counts are significantly up across most regions in North America*. What really jumps out is the *strong growth (more than 50% increase in 6 out of 8 regions) in weekend bike counts*, suggesting a strong demand for recreational cycling at this time – a trend also seen in our European dataset.
*We hope you enjoy the dashboard and find it useful for your work.*
*Make it count on temporary and pop-up bike and pedestrian **infrastructure*
More and more people are walking and biking, and in many cities across North America, active measures are being taken to give more space to cyclists, runners and pedestrians.
Through t*emporary street closures, pop-up infrastructure and tactical urbanism,* planners everywhere are are acting fast https://info.eco-compteur.com/e/685233/s-over-to-walkers-and-cyclists/3hnz3/91848024?h=waUyFlgsdA1CNDQZo5zluRl2D6G-dKZkIWAZjqbNCFg. Having the right data to understand how and when the temporary infrastructure is used is essential to *justify investments, maintain momentum, communicate with stakeholders and the media and much more. *
Our automated bike and pedestrian counters are designed for rapid deployment and short-term studies. The battery powered Mobile MULTI https://info.eco-compteur.com/e/685233/uits-multi-range-mobile-multi-/3hnz5/91848024?h=waUyFlgsdA1CNDQZo5zluRl2D6G-dKZkIWAZjqbNCFg, for example, counts and differentiates bicycles and pedestrians and can be* set up and moved in under 30 minutes*. Equally easy to install, the Easy-ZELT https://info.eco-compteur.com/e/685233/produits-zelt-range-easy-zelt-/3hnz7/91848024?h=waUyFlgsdA1CNDQZo5zluRl2D6G-dKZkIWAZjqbNCFg bike counter (pictured above) is ideal for* 3-12 month count studies* and can be configured to a wide-variety of on street and separated cycling infrastructure. Get in touch to learn more about counting on pop-up infrastructure <info@eco-counter.com?subject=Re%3A%20Newsletter%20-%20learn%20more%20about%20temporary%20counting%20solutions&body=Hi%20Eco-Counter%2C%0A%0AFollowing%20your%20May%202020%20newsletter%2C%20i'd%20love%20to%20hear%20more%20about%20your%20temporary%20bike%20and%20pedestrian%20counting%20solutions.> *Download our new 'Quick Guide to Moving a PYRO-Box'*
The PYRO-Box people counter is trusted by organizations around the world for short to long term count studies. While some of you put up the PYRO-Box https://info.eco-compteur.com/e/685233/-produits-pyro-range-pyro-box-/3hnz9/91848024?h=waUyFlgsdA1CNDQZo5zluRl2D6G-dKZkIWAZjqbNCFg and leave it for years, others move the counter around every few weeks to gain a broad geographic understanding of counts.
We've created a *handy new checklist guide to moving a PYRO-Box.* The guide covers a range of best-practices, including checking for ghost counts, renaming the counter in Eco-Visio and much more. Print out the guide and take it with you out on site! Download the PDF guide here https://info.eco-compteur.com/e/685233/MoveAPYRO/3hnzc/91848024?h=waUyFlgsdA1CNDQZo5zluRl2D6G-dKZkIWAZjqbNCFg
Want to learn more about taking your bike and pedestrian data one step further? Get in touch <info@eco-counter.com?subject=Hi!%20I'd%20love%20to%20learn%20more.&body=Following%20the%20Eco-Counter%20newsletter%2C%20i'm%20interested%20in%20learning%20more%20about%20a%20data-driven%20approach%20to%20bike%20and%20pedestrian%20planning.>, our team is here ready to help you with your project. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can unsubscribe from this list https://info.eco-compteur.com/unsubscribe/u/685233/a3ad2bb2eb0c487b305c115a880f36a8a0e21f89b6d1fbe8a2ee4834a6a3c064/91848024 [image: Facebook] https://info.eco-compteur.com/e/685233/EcoCounter-/3hnzf/91848024?h=waUyFlgsdA1CNDQZo5zluRl2D6G-dKZkIWAZjqbNCFg [image: Twitter] https://info.eco-compteur.com/e/685233/Eco-Counter/3hnzh/91848024?h=waUyFlgsdA1CNDQZo5zluRl2D6G-dKZkIWAZjqbNCFg [image: Website] https://info.eco-compteur.com/e/685233/2020-05-06/3hnzk/91848024?h=waUyFlgsdA1CNDQZo5zluRl2D6G-dKZkIWAZjqbNCFg Copyright © 2020 Eco-Counter. 3981 Saint-Laurent Blvd, Suite 604 | Montreal, QC | H2W 1Y5 Office: 1-514-849-9779 | Toll Free: 1-866-518-4404