---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Terry Zdan tjzdan50@gmail.com Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 11:14:52 -0500 Subject: Re: [At-network] Pedestrian realm: event today + Millenium library to get sidewalks
Professional Reports:
Capelle, D., Wiebe, A., and Sylvestre, G. (2011). *Development of a Winter Sidewalk * *Condition Bulletin: Report to Safe Communities Winnipeg*. Winnipeg, MB.: Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg.
Cardona, K., Wiebe, A., and Sylvestre, G. (2010). *Strategies for Assisting Older Drivers: * *Recommendations for Community-driven Interventions*. Winnipeg, MB.: Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg.
McNairnay, E., Kliewer, K. and Sylvestre, G. (2009). *Community Transportation Toolkit: Interpreting and Implementing the Mobility Disadvantaged Transportation Program Guidelines*. Winnipeg, MB.: Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg.
Cardona Claros, K., Ladd, A. and Sylvestre, G. (2008). *Investigating the Social Capital and Capacity of Older Adults in Rural Manitoba*. Winnipeg, MB.: Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg.
Sylvestre, G., Gaudry, L. and Christopher, G. (2007). *Mobility Options for the Aging Population of Manitoba: An Action Plan for Regional Solutions*. Winnipeg, MB.: Institute of Urban Studies, University of Winnipeg.
On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 10:47 AM, Anders Swanson andersswanson@gmail.comwrote:
[Apologies for the late notice on the former - I just found out about it myself. The latter is a big deal esp. if you are familiar with/live downtown and/or know the long history of this. - Anders]
Event Today!
*Public Lecture*
*The Political Drifts of Winter Pedestrianism: Exploring Walking Safety in a Northern Climate**, *by Gina Sylvestre (Department of Geography, University of Winnipeg) Lecture takes place on October 30, 2013, 12:30-1:20 pm in 5L24 Lockhart Hall. Refreshments will be provided.
Millennium Library getting sidewalks
Sidewalks are coming to the downtown Millennium Library.
Public works staff said today that a sidewalk will be constructed on the Donald Street side in 2014, with a sidewalk along the Smith Street side likely in 2015.
Pedestrians going south either cross the street or risk walking along the road.There are no sidewalks on either side of the library building south to the corner at St. Mary Avenue.
src: http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/local/Millennium-Library-getting-sidewalks-...
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