*Friendly reminder about tomorrow afternoon's webinar. A more detailed description was also just provided this morning (pasted below)...*
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Green Action Centre and Bike to the Future invite you to join us for a local viewing of the upcoming APBP webinar at the EcoCentre (3rd floor, 303 Portage Ave) followed by group discussion.* * *The Green Lane Project* Wednesday, October 31st | 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. CDT
[image: image]Join us for an informative webinar about the innovative Green Lane Project. Martha Roskowski, Green Lane Project Director, discusses the project's scope and goals and shares the results of a recent inventory of the lanes. She'll also discuss the challenges and opportunities of protected lanes and how they fit into the emerging concept of low-stress networks as the key to encouraging more people to make short trips by bike. She will provide an update on the progress being made by the six focus cities in the project (Austin, Chicago, Memphis, Portland, San Francisco and Washington D.C.), as an introduction to detailed presentations from Chicago and San Francisco.
Mike Amsden's presentation about Chicago's Protected Bike Lane Initiative will focus on two recently installed protected bike lanes (cycle tracks) in Chicago: Elston Avenue and 55th Street. Elston Avenue is a popular commuter route for bicyclists that travels through several industrial areas. This mix of industrial uses and bicycle traffic presented unique design, operational and outreach challenges. 55th Street is the northern border of the University of Chicago. Before installation of a road diet with protected bike lanes, four lanes of motor vehicle traffic created a barrier for people walking or bicycling to campus from neighborhoods to the north. Mike's presentation will describe the purpose, safety benefits, design details, and challenges of each project.
Seleta Reynolds of San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency will focus on the JFK Drive bike lanes with results to date and lessons learned. San Francisco implemented its first parking-buffered cycletrack on JFK Drive in Golden Gate Park in May, 2012. The presentation will cover lessons learned in every aspect from the outreach method to the construction staging, and finally early evaluation, which includes both quantitative measures and qualitative measures including field surveys of users.
- Martha Roskowski, Director, Green Lane Project - Mike Amsden, Senior Planner, T.Y. Lin International - Seleta Reynolds, Section Leader, Livable Streets Sustainable Streets Division, SFMTA