Great story from: http://www.torontocranks.com/?p=2363http://www.treehugger.com/files/2011/03/anonymous-gifts-say-thank-you-for-cycling.php(can we hold out hope for a Winnipeg benefactor?) -cheers, Beth Thank you for cycling! March 2nd, 2011
I was riding along the College Street bike lane heading east and was coming up to the red light at University Ave. and an older woman stepped out to the edge of the sidewalk and handed me an envelope saying “Thank You for cycling today”! I thought it might be a flyer or something so I stuck it into my pocket and started through the now green light. On the other side of the intersection another cyclist passed me and turned to say ” how much do you think is inside” as he waved his envelope, I said I don’t know maybe its a coffee coupon.
A bit further ahead I thought I’d make a U-turn and go back and see who she worked for, but she was gone.
When I got home I looked at the envelope. It’s hand lettered “Thank You ($ gift inside).”
I opened it and inside was a letter and a new $5.00 bill. Wow!
So I took the $5.00 and bought 2 lottery tickets for tonights 6/49 draw! You don’t think she works for Rob Ford’s office??
Tom Polarbear