---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Cara Fisher carafisher@altaplanning.com Date: Wed, 28 Oct 2015 08:43:59 -0700
The Winter Cycling Congress 2016 http://wintercyclingcongress2016.org/ conference super early bird "arctic tern" registration closes October 31st for only $325. Don't miss your chance to save on the affordable rate to attend this international conference on winter cycling.
The Congress is taking place in the Twin Cities Minneapolis February 2nd through to 4th. The program will be announced very soon. The three theme at this years event are:
- Build it - policy, planning, engineering & design for year-round cycling and walking - Maintain it – implementing the plan & maintaining safe, comfortable conditions - Bike it –evaluating winter cycling & encouraging health, economic and social benefits
Hope to see you there!
Cara Fisher Director, Winter Cycling Federation
Planner, Alta Planning + Design