---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Michael Haynes activetransportation@rogers.com Date: Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 10:51 AM Subject: Active Transportation Canada - New Posts July 12, 2011
Dear Listserv Members:
More than 20 new items have been posted on the Active Transportation-Canada Website. A complete list of titles may be found in the "Blog Archive" box, located on the right margin of the Website.
Some sample new items:
1. Ottawa - Bike lanes earn rave reviews on first morning commutehttp://www.ottawacitizen.com/business/Bike+lanes+earn+rave+reviews+first+morning+commute/5083683/story.html 2. Product review: Top five skateboarding helmets for ultimate protection and safety http://sports.yahoo.com/top/news?slug=ycn-8779805 3. Moncton - Bike Battles continuehttp://timestranscript.canadaeast.com/opinion/article/1422093
Active Transportation Canada URL: http://activetransportation-canada.blogspot.com
A "Search" function is available on the site. You will find this at the bottom of the page. With more than 1,000 items posted on Active Transportation - Canada, there are links available to dozens of studies and hundreds of news items from communities across Canada and the world.
If anyone has a problem reading this message, please let me know. I welcome suggestions for posts, so if you have news items featuring your community, please share them with the other subscribers from Canada, the US, and Australia on Active Transportation-Canada.
Thank you.
Michael Haynes Director TransActive Solutions