Councillor welcomes public consultation on Winnipeg’s pedestrian and cycling strategy
By Bernice Pontanilla http://metronews.ca/author/bernicepontanilla/
http://metronews.ca/news/winnipeg/828182/councillor-welcomes-public-consulta... http://metronews.ca/author/bernicepontanilla/
A city councillor is applauding the news that Winnipeggers will be given the chance to help shape the city’s pedestrian and cycling strategy.
The City of Winnipeg announced on Friday that Urban Systems Ltd has been hired “to undertake the research and development of these strategies for the City.”
The firm completed the first phase, which involved preparing demographic and neighbourhood profiles, travel patterns, creating an inventory of existing facilities and identifying best practices and lessons learned from other cities’ strategies.
The next step is a public consultation to find out what are Winnipeggers’ short- and long-term expectations when it comes to walking and cycling facilities in the city.
“It’s great news that it’s happening,” said Coun. Jenny Gerbasi (Fort Rouge-East Fort Garry), adding this is a major study intended to cover the pedestrian and cycling needs of the entire city.
“We spend huge amounts of dollars on one stretch of road, planning that, but this is a plan for the whole city of Winnipeg for cycling and pedestrians.”
Earlier this year, Gerbasi led a successful campaign to bring back funding for this strategy after it was axed in the 2014 budget process.
“It was poor judgment to just stop all the planning on cycling and walking infrastructure,” she told Metro.
“This at a time when most cities are investing more in this, because it’s a good investment in transportation.”
The public can visit the website walkbike.winnipeg.cahttp://www.winnipeg.ca/publicworks/MajorProjects/ActiveTransportation/WalkBikeWinnipeg/default.aspand participate in the online survey, email walkbike@winnipeg.ca, or attend an open house being planned.
The city said a telephone survey will also be used to reach out to gauge people’s opinions on walking and cycling throughout the city.