Winnipeg Transit Riders Association - Giving Transit riders a voice!
Join the conversation. The WTRA is a new organization. We want you to help us set our directions and priorities.
Come out to a *public forum* on
Sat Mar 23 10:30 AM - 2:30 PM Carol Shields Auditorium Millennium Library 251 Donald St
Here's what will happen at our forum:
- Hear Winnipeg Transit share their plans for improving the system. - See videos of exciting, inspiring public transit solutions from elsewhere. - Participate in an Open Space discussion exercise. What do you want to talk about?
There will even be refreshments!
Mobility should be considered a right in this society. Currently, many Winnipeggers do not own cars and are not able to use public transit to effectively meet their mobility needs. We need to help Winnipeg Transit and government understand what transit riders want and need so that more people will use Transit.
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/groups/WinnipegTransitRidersAssociation/
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