Green Action Centre invites you to join us for a local viewing of the upcoming America Trails webinar at the EcoCentre (3rd floor, 303 Portage Ave) followed by group discussion of local applications.* *Detailed description provided below.
*Data and Resources to Propel Local Walking Programs and Solutions Thursday, Nov. 29, 2012 | 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. CST*
RSVPs are appreciated but not necessary. Hope to see you then!
Please note that this is a free webinar, so you can also register individually if you prefer (https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/886842880) .
cheers, Beth 925-3772 * * * * * * * All Things Walking Webinar Series
*Webinar Topic #1: Data and Resources to Propel Local Walking Programs and Solutions*
*Have you wondered how to keep up with all the tools and data available for successful local walking initiatives?*
This webinar, the "kickoff" of a new series, will provide you with in-depth information and resources to support your work at the state, tribal and local levels.
- Tom Schmid, Sr. Evaluation Specialist, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Physical Activity and Health Branch - Laura MacNeil, Planner II, Sam Schwartz Engineering - Scott Bricker, Executive Director, America Walks
*Tom* will talk about how the CDC has a growing interest in promoting walking as a critical intervention to improving public health, their recent Vital Signshttp://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001kaXRK9MspmNDCEyxIqMYkILiFxmAMjWzyMnv43jzxwcAEsuZ6U3ft0GXkgJIv3A1jA4EJr_3FrikRJHRtK_KA5ArkVPkpRh28PjqvtEGQYw8MyCDxPinp5HGjCRs7Pmprte1O7mtPOg= report that highlights encouraging trends in walking among adults, and exciting work that addresses walking.
*Laura,* whose engineering firm partnered with America Walks to develop the new Steps to a Walkable Community Guidehttp://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001kaXRK9MspmMb-eT7xnBe9FeMvMNQbBQmBlUifO6Xjuh9ibOIkRSSWN0eH1FlzeVwtaF-mr8JADS-_20TbQT-pftDW8gTmNkrPQlqQhzHPeHpEWu6PbgyNfxRr47y5PKt, will talk about the Guide and how to use this book and our "soon-to be-launched" on-line resource to develop strategies toward walkable communities.
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*Scott* will give an overview of how America Walks is working to develop multi-sector partnerships to advance walking initiatives. He'll also talk about our on-line technical resources, community Walking Action Network workshops, and give an update on our national campaign strategy.