The focus on the intersection between transportation and public health is increasingly important as communities plan for recovery and response amid COVID-19 and tackle more persistent health and safety issues. Emerging research to better align the two fields offers not only an expanded perspective of their connections, but also opportunities to address health issues through the lens of transportation.
*The Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center (PBIC), in partnership with many organizations, is delivering a* five-part webinar series http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001y_uZFci0Y6LLgGHRFkC-VyI4g4UutomkCFyvWH88ZtvhBf_A_dHVg_cEkKYhYT2pR5HkkuJU-1WzuRELRUlI2LraAtKKw5KtZbMzhI66ih5ngecJSskjChB7HdSKSJ1Rg2gRV8v8e8XphyNBYx9nTEd0BEElXKiuNW5kol-HgMABoc08lR0NPGTEuwbsdoaXTJpLf_IYfz0=&c=xy34N2BIxg6wJAF2ah0YIrmQ2dJ0sf6cvTDoqVz_wDYWWYxpA5ZNvw==&ch=C6rmH09vvWxbW7U1H0_4F1Ra2govCb5_bCWTzbEZo0V90yDt8vLTfQ== t*o explore the integration and advancement of health in various transportation planning practices, including the confrontation of power and privilege in communities, collaborative partnerships, data integration, project prioritization, and policy change*.
The series will be held from October 13-28 and participants are encouraged to register for any or all of the sessions.
For details and to register: http://www.pedbikeinfo.org/webinars/webseries_healthtransp.cfm