More info to follow from Anders on this exciting announcement. If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact Anders Swanson < andersswanson@gmail.com>
Seems appropriate to share this news on a snowy blustery day in April!
** Winter cycling federation aims to share winter cycling knowledge around the world. Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browserhttp://us5.campaign-archive1.com/?u=d2e49a7d161f830c39e4d5aaa&id=7eedbecf42&e=10541157f4.
The city of Winnipeg (Manitoba, Canada) has been selected to host the next international Winter Cycling Conference in mid February 2014. More precise schedule for the venue will be announced soon. Application for hosting WCC 2015 opens in June 2013. Cities from Europe are given a preference in selection. Details for the application will be published in late April 2013 on our web pages.
The Winter Cycling Congress 2013 in Oulu launched an idea to found an organisation running future winter cycling conferences, sharing winter cycling best practices and promoting winter cycling globally. Therefore the Winter Cycling Federation emerged in April 2013. We will shortly report of our goals, actions, visions and rules on our web site www.wintercycling.orghttp://ibikeoulu.us5.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=d2e49a7d161f830c39e4d5aaa&id=4663af1f16&e=10541157f4. Our pages are still pretty basic, but no worries; we will work on them. You can also find us in Facebookhttp://ibikeoulu.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d2e49a7d161f830c39e4d5aaa&id=75c436cf6b&e=10541157f4 .
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