---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: "Goodman, Daniel (FHWA)" daniel.goodman@dot.gov To: "members@lists.apbp.org" members@lists.apbp.org Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2017 10:58:15 +0000
I’m writing to announce FHWA’s new resource on Small Town and Rural Multimodal Networks http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/bicycle_pedestrian/publications/small_towns/. This resource will help small towns and rural communities support safe, accessible, comfortable, and active travel for people of all ages and abilities. It will provide a bridge between existing guidance on bicycle and pedestrian design and rural practice, encourage innovation in the development of safe and appealing networks for bicycling and walking, and show examples of project implementation. Please share this new resource with partners and stakeholders in your State.
A few additional updates:
· For those attending TRB, please note that FHWA is hosting an informal drop-in meeting today, *Monday, January 9 in Conference Room 306 from 1-3pm** (on Level 3 of the Convention Center)*. We’ll be talking about the *Small Town and Rural Multimodal Networks* report and ongoing multimodal research projects including *Measuring Multimodal Network Connectivity* and *Innovative Street Design Practices and Accessibility*. There are no formal presentations so you’re welcome to stop by anytime.
· I’m attaching the draft Summary of Federal Highway Administration Pedestrian and Bicycle Research and Program Activities that we’ll be discussing at TRB. We will be posting the final version of this summary here http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/bicycle_pedestrian/resources/trb_summaries/ .
· The Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center has just published Case Studies in Delivering Safe, Comfortable and Connected Pedestrian and Bicycle Networks (Volume II) http://pedbikeinfo.org/data/library/details.cfm?id=4968.
· I wanted to be sure you’re aware of the Bicycle-Pedestrian Count Technology Pilot Project Summary Report http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/bicycle_pedestrian/countpilot/summary_report/index.cfm. Recordings of webinars and other material from the pilot are available on PBIC’s website http://www.pedbikeinfo.org/planning/tools_counts_pilot_program.cfm. Our Office of Planning also recently released a resource on Coding Nonmotorized Station Location Information in the 2016 Traffic Monitoring Guide Format http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/bicycle_pedestrian/publications/tmg_coding/ and I encourage you to check it out and share with your partners.
Thank you,
Dan Goodman
Federal Highway Administration
Office of Human Environment
Livability Team
HEPH-10, Room E74-430
1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE
Washington, DC 20590
Phone (202) 366-9064
Fax (202) 493-2198