* Green Action Centre will host a Winnipeg viewing of the following APBP (Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals) webinar on Using Social Media to Improve Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities on Wednesday, May 18.
If you would like to join us for a group viewing of this webinar, please let me know at beth@greenactioncentre.ca. See you then!
cheers, Beth
Using Social Media to Improve Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Wednesday, May 18 • 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. CDT *
*Location: EcoCentre boardroom, 303 Portage Ave, 3rd floor (enter via elevator inside Mountain Equipment Co-op)*
Recent current events have demonstrated that social media offer serious and effective tools for change. Join this APBP webinar on May 18 at 2:00 p.m. CDT to explore different types of social media and their potential for helping bicycle and pedestrian professionals and advocates build powerful coalitions, foster community, and reach new audiences. A trio of presenters from three areas of practice—consulting, advocacy, and government—who are using social media and Web 2.0 tools creatively and successfully will share their insights and experience.
The session will include a brief explanation of different tools and their uses, a discussion of policies and best practices for managing content, and case studies that showcase different real world examples of social media helping to improve bike/ped facilities and conditions: Bike|Walk|Idaho, the NE 125th Street road diet project in Seattle, and Cascade Bicycle Club's BikeWise.org project. Presenters are Brice Maryman, ASLA, SvR Design; Maureen Gresham, Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator, Idaho Transportation Department; and Chris Rule, Political Program Manager, Cascade Bicycle Club.