5 Oct
5 Oct
8:53 a.m.
[Circulated by Alan Medcalf on Share the Road (Canada) LinkedIn group] Economic Benefits of Cycling - updated US report
This 2009 report was republished this past July, incorporating updated material. It provides a clear picture of the myriad economic benefits to be accrued from supporting cycling, from multiple perspectives.
Report at: http://www.advocacyadvance.org/site_images/content/Final_Econ_Update(small)....http://www.linkedin.com/redirect?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eadvocacyadvance%2Eorg%2Fsite_images%2Fcontent%2FFinal_Econ_Update%28small%29%2Epdf&urlhash=AE37&_t=tracking_anet