While this employment opportunity goes beyond AT, I thought it might be of interest to subscribers of this listserv. Please share widely.
cheers, Beth
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Sara MacArthur smacarthur@rrc.mb.ca Date: Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 10:37 AM Subject: Employment opportunity
Hi, ****
Red River College’s Office of Sustainability is growing – we’re hiring a Sustainability Coordinator.
Please pass this posting around to your contacts who might be interested.
*Sara MacArthur **MCP LEED® AP***
Manager of Sustainability [image: Description: Description: Sustainable leaf.jpg]****
Red River College****
C409-2055 Notre Dame Avenue R3H 0J9****
p: 204.632.2166 f: 204. 632.9661****
e: smacarthur@rrc.mb.ca****
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Become a fan of Sustainability@RRC on Facebookhttp://www.facebook.com/pages/Winnipeg-MB/Sustainability-Red-River-College/102716389767842 ****
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