[Friendly reminder about tomorrow afternoon's webinars...]
Green Action Centre and Bike to the Future invite you to join us on Wednesday, March 28th for a local viewing of two APBP webinars:* **"Empowering Women to Bicycle for Transportation"* and *"*Best Practices in Maintenance Programs*"*. Both take place at the EcoCentre (3rd floor, 303 Portage Ave) and will be followed by group discussion. Come for one or both of the webinars.
As always, RSVPs appreciated but not necessary. Hope to see you then.
cheers, Beth 925-3772
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Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP) presents:
Empowering Women to Bicycle for Transportation Wednesday, March 28th • 2:00 to 3:30 pm CST Take in APBP's annual Women Cycling webinar and learn what it will take to empower women to bicycle for transportation at the same level that men do.
Visit APBP's Women Cycling Project http://www.womencyclingproject.info/website where you can read the final reports on the Women Cycling Survey, view the 2010 and 2011 webinars on the Women Cycling phenomenon, and enjoy the winning photos from the Women Cycling photo contest.
Best Practices for Maintenance Programs Wednesday, March 28th • 3:30-4:30 pm CST
Efficient and cost-effective maintenance of pedestrian facilities is an important safety measure. Attend this webinar to learn why maintenance programs are important, and how to make the case for maintenance at budget time; how to overcome the barriers to implementing a good maintenance program; and how to develop the elements of a program that includes both routine maintenance and responding to hazards. Best practices for inspection, replacement and snow removal will be discussed, as well as findings from recent research into pedestrian facility maintenance. The session will include a preview of the new FHWA publication, "A Guide for Maintaining Pedestrian Facilities for Enhanced Safety," due to be published by the end of 2012. The webinar will also include information related to maintenance of bicycle facilities.
Presenters: Tom Huber, Senior Planner, Toole Design Group; Arthur Ross, Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator, City of Madison, Wisconsin.