This is an excellent conference! Apologies if this has already been set around. Jackie
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Jessie Klassen jessie@greenactioncentre.ca Date: 25 June 2014 13:27 Subject: [Physical-activity-coalition-mb] Sustainable Mobility and Healthy Communities Summit To: physical-activity-coalition-mb@lists.umanitoba.ca
Hi Everyone,
This is a great Canadian conference coming up in December connecting transportation and healthy communities. If you'd like to submit an abstract, the deadline is June 30th. Details below...
*Jessie Klassen* | Workplace Commuter Options
http://greenactioncentre.ca/Green Action Centre http://www.greenactioncentre.ca | Find us here http://greenactioncentre.ca/content/ecocentre-directions-and-travel-options/
3rd floor, 303 Portage Avenue* | *(204) 925-3772
Green Action Centre is your non-profit hub for greener living.
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[image: /summit2014]
[image: RegisterNowBtn] http://www.actcanada.com/aa88ee3c-d13d-4751-ba3f-7538ecc6b2ca?sf=8B8DE6http%3a%2f%2fwww.actcanada.com%2fsummit2014%2fRegister
* Sustainable Mobility & Healthy Communities Summit 2014 Nov 30 to Dec 3, 2014* *1) Deadline to submit presentation abstracts is fast approaching! *
Are you looking to present at the Sustainable Mobility & Healthy Communities Summit? The deadline to submit an abstract is June 30th.
The Sustainable Mobility and Healthy Communities Summit is a great space to showcase best practices, new research or innovations! We encourage and support a diverse range of presentations on the theme of sustainable mobility & healthy communities. Share your lessons learned or research!
The presentation abstract submission process is simple - just click the link below and enter details of your proposed presentation. http://www.actcanada.com/aa88ee3c-d13d-4751-ba3f-7538ecc6b2ca?sf=8B8DE6http%3a%2f%2fwww.actcanada.com%2fsummit2014%2fcallforpresentations We are accepting abstract on a wide variety of topics,such as, Health, built environments, sustainable development and more. For more information please review the call for presentation. http://www.actcanada.com/aa88ee3c-d13d-4751-ba3f-7538ecc6b2ca?sf=8B8DE6http%3a%2f%2fwww.actcanada.com%2fdocs%2fdefault-source%2fSummit-2014%2fsustainable-mobility-healthy-communities-summit---call-for-presentations.pdf%3fsfvrsn%3d2
The Sustainable Mobility and Healthy Communities Summit is a great space to exhibit new research project or papers! We are drawing from communities across the country and looking to have the most informative summit yet. Come present in front of multi-discipline professionals, offering exposer you wouldn’t normally see.
2)Resister NOW for our Very Early Bird rates-Don't miss out on the significant savings!
Very Early Bird registration rates wont be here for long! Why wait the extra weeks to register, when you can get a discounted rate now and be entered into a draw for a Microsoft 2 Tablet or a weekend stay at the Markham Hilton suites. ACT Canada will not disappoint its regular fans of its yearly summit! This year it will just be bigger than ever, don't miss out on the Summit everyone will be talking about! Take advantage of Very Early Bird benefits while you still can.
Not only is this a prime opportunity to experience unprecedented reduced summit registration rates but by registering before June 30th you’ll be entered into a random Very Early Bird prize draw for one of the following prizes:
* 1) A Microsoft Surface 2 Tablet*. This tablet features a 10.6” display, Windows 8.1, Nvidia Tegra 4, 64GB, 2 GB RAM, and WiFi. This technology dream prize was donated by *BA Group* - a longstanding ACT Canada & Summit supporter.
* 2) A weekend for two at the Hilton Toronto/Markham suites*. This getaway includes one night weekend stay for two, buffet breakfast for two, and complimentary overnight parking. This prize was generously donated by the *Hilton Toronto/Markham suites hotel* – our Summit venue.
**Very Early Bird rates end June 30, 2014. Payment must be received in full in order to be entered into the prize draw * *3) #SMS14 Tweet Chat- Join us on Thursday, June 26 from 1-2pm EDT*
We’re excited to announce that we will be holding the first ever ACT Canada Tweet Chat on Thursday, June 26 from 1 to 2pm.
The idea of a Tweet Chat is simple. We will use our growing base of followers to simulate a conversation online on the topic of Sustainable Mobility & Healthy Communities Summit. Every 10 minutes, over the course of an hour, a new question will be posted to our followers. The questions, while simple, will stimulate conversation and allow for diverse answers. All participants are asked to use the hashtag #SMS14.
Join the conversation with @ACTCanada on June 26!
*4) Show your commitment- sponsor this critical summit*
Sponsoring the sustainability & healthy community summit provides the opportunity to showcase a commitment to healthy built environments, improved quality of life, community vibrancy and an overall sustainability.
Interested in joining our list of recognized Summit sponsors? Email Sharon@ACTCanada.comfor more information or visit www.ACTCanada.com http://www.actcanada.com/aa88ee3c-d13d-4751-ba3f-7538ecc6b2ca?sf=8B8DE6https%3a%2f%2fwww.actcanada.com%2faa88ee3c-d13d-4751-ba3f-7538ecc6b2ca%3fsf%3d072B81980C5Dhttp%3a%2f%2fwww.actcanada.com%2f
*ACT Canada greatly values and appreciates the significant support of the following organizations:*
ACT Canada June 2014 CONTACT US:[image: arrow] 613-226-9845 http://www.actcanada.com/aa88ee3c-d13d-4751-ba3f-7538ecc6b2ca?sf=8B8DE6tel%3a613-226-9845 info@actcanada.com <info@actCanada.com?Subject=Regarding+the+Newsletter> www.ACTCanada.com http://www.actcanada.com/aa88ee3c-d13d-4751-ba3f-7538ecc6b2ca?sf=8B8DE6http%3a%2f%2fwww.actcanada.com FOLLOW US:[image: arrow] http://www.actcanada.com/aa88ee3c-d13d-4751-ba3f-7538ecc6b2ca?sf=8B8DE6http%3a%2f%2ftwitter.com%2fACTCanada[image: TwitterS] http://www.actcanada.com/aa88ee3c-d13d-4751-ba3f-7538ecc6b2ca?sf=8B8DE6http%3a%2f%2ftwitter.com%2fACTCanada http://www.actcanada.com/aa88ee3c-d13d-4751-ba3f-7538ecc6b2ca?sf=8B8DE6http%3a%2f%2fwww.linkedin.com%2fgroups%3fmostPopular%3d%26gid%3d1896034[image: LinkedinS] http://www.actcanada.com/aa88ee3c-d13d-4751-ba3f-7538ecc6b2ca?sf=8B8DE6http%3a%2f%2fwww.linkedin.com%2fcompany%2f3098941%3ftrk%3dvsrp_companies_res_name <#146d4649acc788c2_146b46a2026de2a6_>[image: FacebookS] http://www.actcanada.com/aa88ee3c-d13d-4751-ba3f-7538ecc6b2ca?sf=8B8DE6http%3a%2f%2fwww.facebook.com%2fpages%2fACT-Canada%2f68980019569 <#146d4649acc788c2_146b46a2026de2a6_>[image: g+S] http://www.actcanada.com/aa88ee3c-d13d-4751-ba3f-7538ecc6b2ca?sf=8B8DE6https%3a%2f%2fplus.google.com%2f111714074517087148654%2fposts [image: YouTubeS] http://www.actcanada.com/aa88ee3c-d13d-4751-ba3f-7538ecc6b2ca?sf=8B8DE6http%3a%2f%2fwww.youtube.com%2fuser%2factcanada ACT Canada – 2031 Merivale Road, Ottawa, ON Canada K2G 1G7 To review our privacy policy http://www.actcanada.com/aa88ee3c-d13d-4751-ba3f-7538ecc6b2ca?sf=8B8DE6http%3a%2f%2fwww.actcanada.com%2fprivacy-and-legal-info, click here. This email was sent to jessie@greenactioncentre.ca by newsletter@ACTCanada.com newsletter@actcanada.com. If you no longer wish to receive email newsletters from ACT Canada you may unsubscribe <support@actcanada.com?subject=Unsubscribe> Were you forwarded this email? Click here http://www.actcanada.com/aa88ee3c-d13d-4751-ba3f-7538ecc6b2ca?sf=8B8DE6http%3a%2f%2fwww.actcanada.com%2fnews%2fnews-home to subscribe to the ACT Canada Sustainable Mobility Network newsletters.
_______________________________________________ Physical-activity-coalition-mb mailing list Physical-activity-coalition-mb@lists.umanitoba.ca http://lists.umanitoba.ca/mailman/listinfo/physical-activity-coalition-mb