Are you interested in helping out with the Actif Epica bike race from St. Malo to Winnipeg on February 18th? Volunteering is a great way to be a part of this unique event—your help will make this a fun and safe bike challenge for everyone.
We’d appreciate your help with:
- *Course setup* – set up a few signs and flags on the Friday before the race - *Checkpoint race officials* – timing and communications to race headquarters - *Checkpoint hosting* – helping riders with food and water, general oversight - *Roving support* – on-course support in a vehicle or on a snowmobile (we’ll cover your gas)
No experience is necessary – we’ll train you up and various shifts and locations are available. Volunteer briefing meetings will be held from 4-5 p.m. on Saturday February 11 (St. Pierre) and Sunday February 12 (Winnipeg), please plan to attend one or the other.
If you are interested in giving a couple of hours or more please contact Hal Loewen halloewen@gmail.com or Ian Hall ian.hall.204@gmail.com, we’ll find a way for you to be an important part of the Actif Epica experience and have some winter fun. http://actifepi.ca/2012/01/bike-challenge-volunteers-needed/