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Hi everyone,
The planning committee for Jane's Walk Winnipeg 2015 is looking for new blood!
Each year our number of walks grows and the topics become more diverse. Check out some of last year's 24 walks http://www.janeswalk.org/canada/winnipeg/ – from "Ballads and Boulevards" to "History and Heroes". This year's Jane's Walk weekend is May 2 and 3.
What does the planning committee do? Mostly, we help recruit and assist walk leaders, including an orientation evening, and promote the weekend's walks.
*Join us for our next meeting: *
*Monday, February 23rd, *5-6:30pm *EcoCentre boardroom (3rd floor-303 Portage Ave, MEC bldg)*
Background: Jane’s Walk celebrates the ideas and legacy of urbanist Jane Jacobs http://www.janejacobswalk.org/about-jane-jacobs-walk/meet-jane-jacobs/ by getting people out exploring their neighbourhoods and meeting their neighbours. Free walks held on the first weekend of May each year are led by locals who want to create a space for residents to talk about what matters to them in the places they live and work. All walks are given and taken for free.
thanks! Beth