The Uniter: Breaking down barricades
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Terry Zdan Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2014 10:18:07 -0500 Subject: The U of W Uniter - Breaking Down Barricades
"I replaced driving with a ten-minute walking commute. The psychological differences between driving through an environment and physically interacting with it on the ground cannot be understated. I now walk downtown with the familiarity everyone else has with their own cul-de-sacs. The normalization of this type of interaction with the city on a daily basis gives you a different appreciation of not only its buildings and its people, but also what it sorely lacks: people living there...."
"And herein lies the toxic heart of how urban Winnipeg is approached: for serving the suburban population. And for the suburban population there must be suburban entities. Maybe we knew that already, but in exiling myself from suburban life, it took on a new level of understanding. It sunk in...."
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie