AT webinar: Optimize Signals for Peds and Cyclists, Wed, Sept 17th, 2-3pm, EcoCentre

Please join Green Action Centre and Bike Winnipeg to watch the following APBP webinar on Wednesday afternoon in the EcoCentre boardroom (3rd floor, 303 Portage Ave).
RSVPs are not necessary but appreciated. Hope to see you then!
cheers, Beth
(204) 925-3772
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*Optimize Signals for Pedestrians and Bicyclists* *Wed, Sept. 17th | 2:00-3:00 pm*
*Key take-aways*:
- Recognize how policies and mode-share targets help to create a framework to prioritize signal projects - Understand the factors that affect signal timing in downtown areas - Learn strategies to manage speed and reduce delay for cyclists and pedestrians with signals - Hear about developing technology for signals
*Description*: Signals are important traffic control devices that, if designed and operated consistent with multimodal policies, can encourage walking and cycling. They also have a significant impact on speed, an important factor in having a street that works for all users. Established techniques and new technology for optimizing signals can help create a safe, efficient multimodal transportation system. Attend this webinar to learn how to evaluate traffic signal functions and determine what strategies can be used to make them more effective for your community.
This session suggests a framework based on policy and lessons from the private sector to prioritize signal projects; it includes a discussion of considerations for signal timing in downtown areas and strategies to reduce delays for cyclists and pedestrians; and an overview of emerging tools for further innovation in signal timing.
- Peter Koonce, Transportation Engineer, Portland Bureau of Transportation
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie