Webinar Invite: AT in Rural Settings, Wed, Mar. 22nd, 2:30-3:30pm, EcoCentre

Thanks to all who picked up on the date error – darn copying and pasting! The actual date of the webinar is *MARCH 22nd* from 2:30-3:30pm.
cheers, Beth
On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 2:20 PM, Beth McKechnie beth@greenactioncentre.ca wrote:
Green Action Centre and Bike Winnipeg invite you to join us for a local viewing of this month's APBP http://www.apbp.org/ webinar.
The webinar viewing takes place in the EcoCentre boardroom (3rd floor, 303 Portage Ave) and will be followed by group discussion of local applications for those who wish to stay.
*PLEASE NOTE: This is a different date and time than usual.*
RSVPs appreciated but not necessary. Hope to see you then!
*AT in Rural SettingsWednesday, February 22 | 2:30 - 3:30 pm CDT *
- Joe Gilpin, Alta Planning + Design
- Dan Goodman, FHWA
The presentation will highlight the content and recommended use of the Small Town and Rural Multimodal Networks Guide https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/bicycle_pedestrian/publications/small_towns/fhwahep17024_lg.pdf published by FHWA in January 2017. Highlights of the guide include designing mixed-traffic bicycle/pedestrian facilities, visually separated facilities, and physically separated facilities. The guide also includes recommendations for planning and linking to key community destinations. The presenters will highlight case studies of small town and rural planning and facility design throughout the webinar.
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie