NTPP Update: A Bold Experiment in Four Communities - Handouts

Sorry this is a bit slow coming out. Here are the links to the handouts and evaluation for last weeks webinar.
*The handouts for this webinar are available for download on the APBP website*. To download the slides and handouts in pdf format, please go to http://www.apbp.org/?page=Webinar_Downloads http://www.apbp.org/link.asp?e=markc@biketothefuture.org&job=600878&ymlink=897665&finalurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eapbp%2Eorg%2F%3Fpage%3DWebinar%5FDownloads. On this page you will find handouts; the slide presentation as a pdf; the sign-in sheet to claim credit for CM and PDH; and some technical assistance documents for GoToWebinar.
We hope you enjoyed the webinar, "NTPP Update: A Bold Experiment in Four Communities", and found it valuable. If you haven't already done so, please take a few minutes to complete a short online evaluation at http://www.apbp.org/surveys/?id=Evaluation_Apr-12 http://www.apbp.org/link.asp?e=markc@biketothefuture.org&job=601203&ymlink=898764&finalurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Eapbp%2Eorg%2Fsurveys%2F%3Fid%3DEvaluation%5FApr%2D12
Mark Cohoe Bike to the Future
participants (1)
Mark Cohoe