Reminder: Wed Oct.19 webinar - Multimodal Level of Service Analysis

*Green Action Centre and Bike to the Future *invite you to join us for this webinar being presented by the Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP):
Multimodal Level of Service Analysis Wednesday, October 19 • 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. Central Time
Location: EcoCentre boardroom (303 Portage Ave, 3rd floor)
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The Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) is one of the most widely referenced documents in transportation planning and engineering. The 2010 edition includes a comprehensive analysis method for all major users of an urban street, including bicyclists and pedestrians. This webinar will discuss the bicycle and pedestrian level of service methods that allow planners and engineers to analyze how urban streets meet the needs of nonmotorized users and to examine the effects of different improvement options. These analyses help us to efficiently distribute limited funds to the most effective improvements and to better communicate projects' benefits to the general public.
Learning objectives for this session include:
- How bicycle and pedestrian level of service analyses have evolved - The background behind the HCM 2010 multimodal level of service methods for bicycles and pedestrians - How to apply the HCM bicycle and pedestrian level of service methods and interpret results.
The session will also include a brief update on the joint ITE / APBP project, "Evaluation Tools for Complete Streets". The report of this project is being drafted; it covers several analysis tools including MMLOS.
*Nick Foster*,* Transportation Planner, Kittelson & Associates*. Nick was involved in NCHRP Project 3-70 Multimodal Level-of-Service Analysis for Urban Streets during the field evaluation phase to test the multimodal level-of-service (MMLOS) methodology. The results of this project have been incorporated into the updated 2010 Highway Capacity Manual. In addition to his involvement in the research that developed the MMLOS methodology, Nick has applied it to a variety of projects to evaluate the performance of different urban street forms in meeting the needs of bicyclist and pedestrians. Nick has worked on a variety of projects related to planning and designing for bicyclists and pedestrians.
*Jamie Parks, AICP, Senior Transportation Planner, Kittelson & Associates. *Jamie works on a wide variety of bicycle and pedestrian planning projects throughout the country including safety studies, master plans, and trails plans. His experience includes data collection, the development and application of analysis tools, and public outreach to integrate workshops, open houses, citizen committees, and web tools into the planning process.
*Jeffrey R. Riegner (PE, AICP, PTOE), Vice President, Whitman, Requardt & Associates*. Jeff is a professional engineer and certified planner with over 20 years of transportation and land use consulting experience, mostly for public-sector clients. He serves as chair of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Pedestrian and Bicycle Council, workshop instructor for the National Complete Streets Coalition, and chair of the Newark, Delaware Bicycle Committee. He holds degrees from the University of Delaware and the University of California at Berkeley.
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie