Webinar Reminder: Bike Boxes - Wed, Nov 18, 2-3pm, EcoCentre

** Friendly reminder regarding tomorrow's webinar **
Green Action Centre and Bike Winnipeg invite you to join us for a local viewing of the following APBP webinar, *Bike Boxes*.
The webinar viewing takes place in the EcoCentre boardroom (3rd floor, 303 Portage Ave) and will be followed by group discussion of local applications.
RSVPs appreciated but not necessary. Hope to see you then!
p.s. On a related (prairie) sidenote, Saskatoon recently introduced a bike box in conjunction with a no right turn on red for a protected bike lane.
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*Bike BoxesWednesday, November 18 | 2-3pm CST*
Bike boxes are increasingly common; how are they applied in practice? The experience of Portland, Oregon, frames a discussion focused on engineering, evaluation and safety. Learn about the layout and physical elements of a bike box, their benefits and potential risks, and the current status of bike boxes in the MUTCD. In addition, the session includes information on traffic signal detection in bike boxes, the application of bike boxes to solve other problems, and a discussion of research conducted at Portland State University related to crash history.
- Peter Koonce, PE, Signals and Street Lighting Manager, Portland Bureau of Transportation
participants (1)
Beth McKechnie