APBP: Now Accepting Proposals for the 2020 Webinar Series
Submissions due Sept. 30! Now accepting proposals for the 2020 monthly webinar series APBP has launched a new submission format this year which should offer more flexability. You will be able to submit a complete webinar panel with all presenters arranged or you can submit just your case study and APBP will match you with others to complete the webinar. If you don’t want to present but have an excellent idea or a speaker suggestion, we want to hear from you too!
The deadline to submit proposals is Monday, September 30 Submit a Proposal http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ixJhwb2G3I0ovHKHF8VmX7E4kx6RXEZTcqGa9JikRiKx5TkbToi3FWjN8AuCZLAi-0W_SW0qwWPUlXIBgnpHBBt6RdqAIhHo23XVIDqtuSVputMBIc1aqZfjf8IJ7oxbN6E_4ffjtQHH9MhTwS1zgNjQ_uc29HSt4OXRyBXSGgN3Jd1HJ_IBlg==&c=u1pwGS7uNzX9D73Q6lIYak8qnHAeibeDdERKdqLyFgjqtuiXxKE0CQ==&ch=5Pngmvh-Yy1nkolPOh5jQY7wtvPR9bGRBeXNbtsyPnMsuYwWLsk28A== Proposal Guidelines: Webinar proposals must relate directly to subjects useful to professionals and advocates working in the field of bicycling and walking: planning, design, engineering, education, encouragement, evaluation, enforcement and advocacy. Innovative approaches that have achieved measurable results are most desirable. Presentations must be evidence-based.
WEBINAR TIMING: APBP webinars are 60-minutes long (45 minutes of presentation time and 15 minutes for Q&A), scheduled at 3:00 p.m. Eastern time on the third Wednesday of each month except in the event of a conflict with an official holiday (religious or secular).
- APBP will not accept webinar topics intended purely to promote commercial products. Products may be mentioned during a presentation only if relevant to the topic and broadly useful to communities seeking to increase bicycling and walking for transportation. APBP staff will gladly provide guidance to interested suppliers on what type of content is acceptable. - A single consulting firm may not present on more than two (2) webinars in a calendar year. - APBP strongly encourages consultants who are submitting proposals to include agency folks in the proposal to speak on the webinar as well.
REVIEW & APPROVAL PROCESS: After reviewing your proposal, APBP may ask you to provide additional information or suggest modifications to meet the specific objectives of a proposed webinar. APBP may accept the proposal whole or in part, depending on how the review committee develops the webinar’s content. If your proposal is selected, you will be notified in a timely manor and given the opportunity to confirm the month selected is workable for you and your panel.
Proposals intended for inclusion in the 2020 webinar series must be received by September 30, 2019 for consideration. However, proposals and proposal ideas can be suggested at any time, but priority will be given to fulfilling the scheduled webinar panels in the calendar year and thus ideas outside of these topics may not be approved until the following year.
- Participate in a 60-minute planning/practice session (generally one week before the live webinar) as well as the webinar itself. The approximate time commitment (besides your own preparation time) is two to three hours. - Supply a head shot type photo and short bio (200 words or less) prior to the webinar. - Provide a PowerPoint version of your slides to APBP 48 hours prior to the live webinar. APBP does NOT give out a Presenter's PPT slides, but will format them into a PDF and make them available for download for all registered webinar attendees the morning of the live webinar. - An honorarium of $600 per webinar is available, divided evenly among the presenters. The honorarium will be paid within 30 days after the webinar, or it can be donated back to APBP’s scholarship funds.
The deadline to submit proposals is Monday, September 30 Submit a Proposal http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ixJhwb2G3I0ovHKHF8VmX7E4kx6RXEZTcqGa9JikRiKx5TkbToi3FWjN8AuCZLAi-0W_SW0qwWPUlXIBgnpHBBt6RdqAIhHo23XVIDqtuSVputMBIc1aqZfjf8IJ7oxbN6E_4ffjtQHH9MhTwS1zgNjQ_uc29HSt4OXRyBXSGgN3Jd1HJ_IBlg==&c=u1pwGS7uNzX9D73Q6lIYak8qnHAeibeDdERKdqLyFgjqtuiXxKE0CQ==&ch=5Pngmvh-Yy1nkolPOh5jQY7wtvPR9bGRBeXNbtsyPnMsuYwWLsk28A== STAY CONNECTED [image: Facebook] http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ixJhwb2G3I0ovHKHF8VmX7E4kx6RXEZTcqGa9JikRiKx5TkbToi3FfIncqzkVe9rqkIHpeFiJ12zKGnGmFCfKX9-gMZBmVm8h8QFhYIbX8OY0WN7MFGuqvNFxMFr1FPUyjmo6XK3BfoQ4aYCuw7KTPbdNn4qqfUM6Ljqnh1vyi5ANJ_e_OspbkthRChh2ziyWWgrY4PygSnUrwCeMaahcy9tPrMVU60XF_ugYRN65F0=&c=u1pwGS7uNzX9D73Q6lIYak8qnHAeibeDdERKdqLyFgjqtuiXxKE0CQ==&ch=5Pngmvh-Yy1nkolPOh5jQY7wtvPR9bGRBeXNbtsyPnMsuYwWLsk28A== [image: Twitter] http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ixJhwb2G3I0ovHKHF8VmX7E4kx6RXEZTcqGa9JikRiKx5TkbToi3FfIncqzkVe9rh4uTDE0NrX2LLdOf21zFQMkHziwZHZ9oeU6wefiXrKkt6WrMflwwBup3wcZxRktSMPbg-tZ6Fghnjj06NP-GNw==&c=u1pwGS7uNzX9D73Q6lIYak8qnHAeibeDdERKdqLyFgjqtuiXxKE0CQ==&ch=5Pngmvh-Yy1nkolPOh5jQY7wtvPR9bGRBeXNbtsyPnMsuYwWLsk28A== [image: Instagram] http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001ixJhwb2G3I0ovHKHF8VmX7E4kx6RXEZTcqGa9JikRiKx5TkbToi3FftV859yL-Q9beQ1rueW3huhrd6VF-eN-totYytes2_EGCg63PCrbgt23uZ-nF1CYzAcMsxUgsroUPHmHYCkYqa9dQ3CpA7Hvg==&c=u1pwGS7uNzX9D73Q6lIYak8qnHAeibeDdERKdqLyFgjqtuiXxKE0CQ==&ch=5Pngmvh-Yy1nkolPOh5jQY7wtvPR9bGRBeXNbtsyPnMsuYwWLsk28A== APBP | 201 East Main Street, Suite 1405, Lexington, KY 40507
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participants (1)
Beth McKechnie