First ever bike Week in Portage la Prairie

Portage gets ready to get active
By Johnna Ruocco, The Graphic
Tuesday, June 9, 2015 10:07:34 CDT AM
Several local organizations are teaming up to hold the first ever Bike Week Portage from June 13-19.
The Active Transportation Group, Portage Community Revitalization Corporation, Portage la Prairie Regional Library, Portage la Prairie Public Art, Junk Yard Dogs and the City of Portage la Prairie are partners in the inaugural bike week.
The official kickoff will be held on June 13 at the library. There will be many activities on the agenda including a bike rodeo at 10 a.m., which is hosted by the library and the RCMP. The event will continue at the PCRC parking lot with face-painting, a bicycle decoration contest and a vintage bicycle display from local cyclists at 11 a.m. Then, at 12 p.m., Mayor Irvine Ferris will officially proclaim the week to be Bike Week Portage. There will also be a free barbecue and the group is hoping Portagers will help them set a city record for the most number of bikes in one place.
The next event will be on June 15. Yvette Cuthbert will be guiding a free public art bicycle tour, starting at the main entrance of the PCU Centre at 7 p.m.
A historical building tour will be held the following day, June 16. This tour is also free and will be hosted by Derrick McCutcheon. The tour meets at Off the Top at 230 Saskatchewan Ave. E. at 7 p.m.
On June 18 there will be a ride through some of the paths throughout the city. The ride will take place beginning at 7 p.m. and meeting between the PCU Centre and Splash Island. It is open to all skill and experience levels and will be no longer than one hour.
Also on June 18 will be Bike Week Portage Presents: the Travelling Meal. Rain or shine, this tour aims to celebrate physical activity, clean environment and healthy living by riding bikes through Portage and stopping along the way to enjoy a light meal.
The start time is 6 p.m. meeting at the Portage Mall. The first stop will be Tornado’s for salad or an appetizer, then Cafe on Prince for an entree, then to Horfrost for dessert. Tickets are limited and are $30 per person and can be purchased at the PCRC office or by calling Dan at 204-239-2979. The deadline for tickets is June 16. For more information, contact Dianna at 204-871-6735 or
Bike Week Portage wraps up on June 19 with the active transportation group promoting everyone in the community to bike to school or work. There will be rest stops set up for people to take a break or get some water. The rest stop locations will be at Crescent Road and Wilkinson Crescent, Crescent Road and Royal Road, the RBC on Saskatchewan Avenue, 3rd Street NE and 4th Avenue NE, and at 8th Street NW and Fisher Avenue W.
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Beth McKechnie